Thursday, July 7, 2011

Jenni's Challenge Day 11

Favorite TV Shows:

1. Grey's that the main character isn't always sunshine and rainbows, makes mistakes and still manages to stand on top of her balancing act...I'm a little obsessed with the show actually. I will not have anyone over while I'm watching unless they vow to be quiet. I ignore my children and husband when I'm watching it and absolutely will not answer the telephone if you call during that hour.

2. Saved by the Bell...Saturday morning favorite of all time!

3. Modern Family...I think the writers of this show sit outside of the following houses:
2. Alissa's house
3. Angie's house
4. Tammy's house
Then they don't really have to write plots...they just write about what happened during our days:)

4. Justified...the first show that Aaron and I can agree to watch and since we have a couple seasons on DVD we usually pick to watch this when we have an opportunity to watch television together.

5. Seinfeld...I don't really have to explain this, right? The show is too funny!

6. That 70's show...lots of evenings with some of my favorite people in the world laughing our behinds off...

7. The Wonder family used to watch this show ALL THE TIME growing up...Jake loved it, I loved it and my parents loved it too:) I think Jake has a secret crush on Fred Savage:)

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