Friday, November 30, 2012


I think most everyone that follows my blog or my facebook feed knows that I'm a "Grey's Anatomy" fan.  When they started running "Scandal" after Grey's, sometimes I would watch it, sometimes I would fall asleep.  Lately, it has my attention.

For a complete background of the show (if you're interested):

The main character, Olivia, is a gorgeous and very intelligent young lady.  She is the founder of a company that handles damage control for important people.  Sometimes I wish I was an important person and I could have someone on retainer to do damage control!  Seems to me, her toughest client to "fix" is herself.  How true is that in real life?  I can normally give very sound advice, but I don't always take it and follow it myself!

I could go on and on about the characters and  the show.  I'm pretty sure I could talk to Shonda Rhimes for days and days and days if I had the opportunity.  I mean, she is the writer of BOTH television shows that I watch.  Actually, I could probably write a couple pages on the twist at the end of last nights episode! But, I'm stuck on something...else. 

This look that the characters portray when their mind wanders to the person they once loved. Both parties consciously decided to leave the relationship, for whatever reason, but it's still there, this look. Something. Even when everyone makes their decision, the next move is decided, it's still there. Something.

I asked for input on fb and within a couple hours I had what I was fishing for. A friend stated that she was sad for the male character, Fitz. The character in the show that cheated on his wife, while he is the President of America, nonetheless! Why should we feel sorry for him? He's the one that strayed from his marriage. If he wouldn't have looked outside his marriage, he wouldn't have fallen for Olivia in the first place.  But, the truth is, I cried for him, too. WHY?

Then I thought about how Olivia looked when she anticipated seeing Fitz.  The most amazing dress, perfect shining hair...absolutely stunning. 

I still do the same thing when I anticipate seeing someone I once loved.  When I'm aware that I will/might possibly see an ex, I HAVE to have a new dress and heels.   No matter how many years pass,  I feel the need to prove that I am still attractive, appealing, intriguing.   I'm married with children, (sometimes happily, but committed either way;)) yet I still want to look my best (which also includes a smile of happiness plastered on at all times exaggerating how wonderful (said in my head with annoying inflection) my life is) if I run into a person I used to care for deeply.  WHY?

Anyways, "Scandal" is part of my two hour per week television time.  Usually I watch it, it passes the time and I don't think much of it after I turn off the boob tube.  Today I can't get it out of my mind.

My desired conclusion: Every relationship means something.  The beautiful ones that you remember fondly, but also the craporama, awful, painful ones.  Maybe the shitastic ones have the biggest hands in shaping us into the person we're meant to be!  Who knows!

I'm not going to pretend to have the answer, it's just what's going on in my pretty little head today:)


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