Monday, November 26, 2012

Let the RIGHT light shine through

Lately I'm having a difficult time letting the POSITIVE light shine through.  Instead I really just want to keep the good light to myself and get rid of all the negative light.   Selfishly, I think I can bundle up all of the beautiful light and bury it down deep inside for when I really need it again. 

When I do seem to share the light lately, it's not the beautiful light that I CAN spread when I am focused and determined to be a better person.  Instead, it's the blinding light.  The kind that blinds you when the sun catches the first snow just right and you can't see where you're going!  Have you ever realized when you're spreading the wrong kind of light?

It can be tiresome to offer a different opinion, to remind each other that nobody is perfect, to offer grace over judgment ALL THE TIME.  Sometimes I am mean and judgmental and gossipy.  Rather than defend people or offer a reason for their behavior...I join in.  I know, that's awful!  I'm aware that it's not nice.  I really am trying to be a better person, but sometimes the mean girl just slips out! TRUTH.

Then, I noticed one of my friends taking the high road.  Rather than join in, they distanced them self from the drama.  I WANT to do that the next time. 

I wonder if anyone else noticed my friend taking the high road and slipping away from the table nonchalantly?  I wonder if that's even more effective than trying to defend or remind or deflect to a subject of more value?  Their stand certainly caught me off guard and brought my poor behavior to my attention! 

Most of the time when I'm spreading the ugly glaring light, I'm picking on someone sitting at the same table as me.  HOPEFULLY they know that I'm joking with them when I point out something that they may be insecure about.  I am very bratty to some of my bestest friends on a regular basis, but that still doesn't make it right.  Simply because we are friends doesn't give me the right to share my ugly light with them.  They deserve the beautiful light, too! I should be spending my time building them up, not tearing them down. 

(Personally, I like it when they ask me if I have a birds nest in my hair when I'm wearing a pretty flower, but that's probably because I'm overly confident)

I'm going to have to work harder to let the beautiful light shine through, try not to be selfish and keep all the magnificent colors to myself and only let go of the ugly light. 

Big thanks to my friend for taking a stand.  I noticed and next time I'll try harder follow your lead!

Let the light shine through, but make sure it's the right kind of light. 

“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” -Marianne Williamson


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