Sunday, July 15, 2012

What's the plan, Stan?

When we wake up each morning Lilly asks me what we are doing all day, what we're doing in the evening, what's going on this weekend.  Unfortunately for her, she's already the child that looks the most like me, but she is noticeably like me in too many ways to count as well.  She's a planner...eeekkk!

During the school year she worries about what the next day will bring.

"Tomorrow is Tuesday, I have gym.  I need to wear my tennis shoes."

"Tomorrow I have DI.  I need to remind Mom." 

"We're supposed to bring back our library books tomorrow, I have two in my room.  I need to put them in my bag now so that I don't forget." 

Never ending, always thinking about what's on the agenda!  What's the plan, Stan?

I think she is more thrown by this week of no plans than I am!  Monday she asked me at least five times what we were doing.  Each time I would respond, "Nothing" or "I don't know, Lil".  By 'nothing' I mean that we aren't expected to be anywhere.  It doesn't mean we aren't doing anything on my week of down time, it just means that we don't HAVE to!

So far we have went shopping, visited the ice cream shop 3/4 nights:), the kids and Aaron were able to meet Adrie, Aaron and I enjoyed a romantic evening together, I took a nap on my glider, I folded clothes outside while Aaron read and the children played, we ate peanuts and popcorn by the campfire, we laughed with each other at dinner (Keegan truly is a riot), we cuddled up together and watched a movie, we jumped on the trampoline, climbed trees, went to pool parties and after parties, had sleepovers, went shopping with only Camille, cooked TWO meals (and they were actually good (and I totally sliced my thumb so I'm using it as my excuse to wait another year/two/three to cook again:)))...and the week isn't over yet! 

The down time is amazing, but I have had a few inquiries about why the down time needs to include a facebook hiatus.  The reasons pretty much all revolve around me being selfish:) 

One reason is because I'm attempting to clear my desk at work so that I don't feel guilty taking days off here and there...I don't actually work for facebook, contrary to this misconception:)

Another reason is my FOMO-fear of missing out!  I don't want to see the fun that everyone is having without me. For example, I'm sure my friends posted pictures of a girls night that I decided not to attend.  The intent when I declined the invitation was to spend time with Aaron and the kids...only one-half of the intended participants showed monsters.  If I would have been thinking about the fun I was "missing out on", I wouldn't have been present in the moment.  I wouldn't have enjoyed pitching to the monsters and their friends as much as I did.  Instead, I would have looked at their posts and pictures of how much fun they were having and been bitter that I wasn't at the movie with them. (You know, since Aaron wasn't spending time with us and that's why I said no in the first place;))  When my friend pointed it out that Aaron wasn't outside having fun with us, I bet she could feel the laser beams burning her from 50 yards away:)  But, I made the right decision.  My family enjoyed having Mommy home and I enjoyed playing ball with them...they would have missed me much more than my friends did.

The bigger reason is simply because I needed a recharge. Pre-facebook I had a large group of people that depended on me.  Now that I blog more regularly and fb daily, even more people depend on me.  Sometimes they ask for advice, sometimes they want an opinion, sometimes prayer requests, a referral, etc...whatever causes them to reach out to me is important to me.  I want to help whenever I can. I enjoy spreading good news and if someone is need, I want to be there for them.

Yet, sometimes I need to read stories of triumph and love rather than listen to rumors that I pray are false.  I don't take happy pills, so, at times, it is necessary to take myself out of the drama happening in others lives so I can sit back and enjoy the happy things in my own life.  Sometimes I just want to read blogs instead of share my soul with the world:)

Here is one that I found while I surfed the Internet rather than troll on facebook...I LOVE.LOVE.LOVE IT! I have read about 10 of her most recent posts and LOVE them all.   At one of my eventful weekends this past month we discussed FOMO and even admitted to feeling like her little picture in the post sometimes: "Pinterest makes me like people I've never met...Facebook makes me hate people that I know in real life."  I signed up to follow her via email and anxiously await her return to the blogging/facebook/Internet world, but I also hope she's enjoying her time away!

I enjoy Facebook.  I like to keep in contact with people that without Facebook wouldn't be possible...I just needed a little break.  You know, without a plan, Stan.

A few pictures of what we've been up to without a plan:)



Keegan consoling Gus:)

Family Time:) :) :)

Below was not this week, but I absolutely LOVE it, so I had to share:) Keegan and Wyatt...BFFS:)

 Very happy, Tinley:)

A Rowdy Bunch:)


  1. Too funny, I have been absent from fb for some time for the very same reason! I either get depressed because life in MI/OH goes on with out us or get annoyed by the complaining or by the my life is so great posts! Glad you are taking some downtime however it sounds pretty busy to me!

    1. I was referring to you in the post, Nerd:) Adrie is Leah's new baby...isn't she cute!? :) Sunday we didn't do anything if that makes you happy...I worked nursery at church and then we took naps and played outside...oh we did get ice cream-AGAIN:) (Yes, I promise I will still fit into my dress;))
