Thursday, July 12, 2012

Eight is Great

Sometimes I can't stand my husband! We fight. We disagree.  I drive him crazy.  He drives me crazy!

BUT lately we have been getting along very well.  After conversing with a few of my friends via email, I thought  that maybe it was due to the best selling books I read recently? ;)  More likely though, it's because I'm consciously focusing more energy in his direction. 

I have been thinking about the things he likes and dislikes.  I thought about what he would want to do the next couple weeks instead of mapping out what we will be doing every hour of the day. Oh, I also let a few things that would normally send me over the edge, go-like poof, right out of my mind never to be thought of again-go.  (It helped that I had my friend coming to visit shortly after he did a few things that DRIVE.ME.CRAZY., I'm sure, but either way, I didn't lecture, I didn't stomp around the house, I just let it helped.)

Sometimes we get lost in the crazy-busy and forget to pay attention to each other.  During the period of overload, I stopped asking him about his day.  As I scooped the kids up and shuttled them to the next activity, I didn't think to call him or shoot him a text to tell him that I was thinking about him.  I didn't bother to wait up for him when he was working late.  I didn't wake him up before I left for work. 

A couple friends suggested a 'family week' when I posted about overload a few weeks ago.  One of them couldn't help but to roll her eyes when I told her that I had already scheduled one:)  Yes, even down time is a scheduled activity in my household!  I have been looking forward to this week since the middle of June.  Now, I'm not going to pretend that I didn't enjoy all of the fun activities that were scheduled over the last month. I did and I wouldn't trade all of that time for the world!!  But, this week was a much needed reprieve from the crazy-busy. 

My husband deserves part my focus and my children deserve my undivided attention.  Even when we're busy.  Even when I'm tired. Even when the only quiet time is the 8 minute shower.  I need to schedule more down time.

This week the scheduled down time was for my anniversary.  It was by far our best anniversary to date. Not because I received jewerly (that I do totally love and adore).  Not because we spent too much money on dinner.  Not because I posted how much I love my husband on facebook.  But because I put my books down and talked to my handsome husband on the way to and from dinner.  We talked about our jobs, our goals, our beliefs, our desires and our fears.  Because I sat across from him and told him how much I appreciate all that he does as we ate dinner outside together on a beautiful evening.  Because we laughed at my interpretation of how he views our relationship over the years and how accurate it is! Because we talked about what we want and expect out of each other in order make the next eight years even more magical than the first eight.

Eight is great!   I hope he enjoyed our special day as much as I did!

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