Thursday, April 26, 2012

What do I stand for?

What do I stand for? Most nights, I don't know.

LOVING Fun. lately.  Thought provoking music on life with a fun beat and great lyrics.  They are quickly becoming one of my favorite groups!  I am even choosing to listen to them over Lily, Sarah and PJ most nights!

What beliefs build your foundation?  What things make you, you? How can you find the good out of the really bad? And do you have the strength to search for the good over and over again? When you're on the top, do you hold true to your beliefs or do you do whatever it takes to continue to stay at the top?  How do you rely on your beliefs in times of despair?

In Bible study we talked about how the person that rises to power out of love is usually defeated...or killed. The person in power out of authority usually kills/defeats the person in power out of love.  Jesus, The One that healed the sick, calmed the storm, raised the dead, was crucified under Pontius Pilate after Pilate himself stated: “I find no basis for a charge against this man.”! Isn't that sad?

This is only one example of authority over love, but it happens all of the time.  It's the reason that so many people believe sayings like "nice guys finish last" or "being nice gets you nowhere".   History seems to support these theories! 

Are you still ready to fight for what you stand for when you think of it in these terms?  The beliefs that you listed in your mind when you read the questions at the beginning of the post, do you stand for them when it's difficult, when you're scared, when you don't know the correct answer?  Would you still stand up for your beliefs if you knew it meant you would finish last?

It's easy to claim that you believe this and support that when you're on the top, but what do you cling to when you're climbing out of the pit?

Take the time to really think about what you stand for!

What do I stand for? Most night, I don't know.

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