Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Friday's Friendly Fun: NY Resolutions

I think it's important, not just at the end of the year, but periodically throughout the year to evaluate yourself.  Take time to think about areas that are lacking, things you could improve on and ways that you can make yourself healthier and happier. 

Last year I attempted to give up cigarettes for lent and failed after about two weeks.  I'm not really sure why I failed. I was able to not log on facebook and I'm much more addicted to facebook than smoking!  The past week or so I have been thinking of what I need to improve on and it's my health. I'm much happier and less stressed when I workout regularly so I started this week, but more importantly I need to quit smoking.

I have already had a blood clot and I really don't want another one.  Smoking increases my risk of future clots.  It increases my risk of cancer.  It makes my wrinkles appear more quickly.  It makes my breath and clothes smell yucky. 

Last year I wrote out my resolutions and I think it was key in my success of keeping them.  I read my post periodically during the year to remind myself why I wanted to keep the resolutions, why they are important to me and what my plan of attack was. So, I'm going to try it again this year.  I'm going to keep up my resolutions from last year and add quit smoking to the list! I know I CAN do it...I just have to do it.  Almost all of my friends have kicked it successfully and they now think it's disgusting.  I'm going to do it.  My plan of attack is simple-don't do it.  The patch or other quit smoking remedies probably would not help me because I only have a cigarette here and there when I'm drinking I guess the plan is just going to be not to go in the garage with the few remaining friends that still smoke...that I will attempt to convince to quit with me!

My resolutions last year were good too if you're looking for resolution ideas!

 Think about how you can improve your mental and physical self and write out some resolutions!!  Good luck!

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