Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year

I don't know that I could volunteer more or drink less! I had successfully mastered the working out part and eating healthy until my dad was too sick and needed constant care, so I know that I can and have started to get back to that. I guess we could save more money, but what fun is that!? I have decided my New Years resolutions should be 1. Be present in each moment 2. Listen more and talk less (this will be very difficult for me;)) and 3. Attend church regularly. I think these are fair and attainable (unlike volunteer more or drink less).

A new year offers a new hope. For me that hope is almost always: I hope this year is better than last year. I have had my share of trials and have thought "this year has to be better than last" on quite a few New Years. In reality though, it doesn't always pan out that way! Usually when you think it can't get any worse, it can! And somehow, someway, you survive.

One year Aaron lost his job a month before we had our first child. How were we going to make it? How could we afford a new baby? Good thing we were living in the "half-way house"! That new year we thought, this year has to be better than last year; but that "bad" year we had our first child, so how could we consider it a "bad" year?

Another year, I had a very serious blood clot. Spent the entire week of Christmas in the hospital. My newborn had a lung infection and my oldest had the flu! But how could I consider it a "bad" year when we had our precious baby boy, closed on our house, our family was all in remission. It wasn't a bad year after all!

This past year, I watched my Dad steadily decline and pass away. I also held Lilly's hand before she ran on the bus so excited for her first day of kindergarten; watched Camille open up into the little girl that loves to dance and play Mommy;listened to Keegan say things like "I want to play with you today, Momma" and have him snuggle up to me like I am the very best thing he has every been in contact with; witnessed my husband agree to open up our house to benefit my parents, do things I wouldn't dare to ask another person, make sacrifices I wouldn't wish upon my enemy; was an eyewitness to devotion from my Mom to my Dad; observed an outpouring of love from family, friends and the community;gave my Dad the last kiss that I will give him on this side...all this year.

So, instead of thinking, "this year has to be better than last year", I'm going to remember all the good things that happened each year. Rather than thinking "this year has to be better than last year" I am going to think "I hope as many good things happen this year as they did last"! I going to let all of the "bad" things that happened in the past fade in the background and instead concentrate on all of the good! Bringing me to my resolutions!

Be present in each moment! I feel like I am present and aware of the beauty and wonder around me most of the time, but I can certainly work on it. I can be more patient with my husband, children and loved ones and focus on the good when I have lost all patience. I can concentrate on the love that radiates even when I am tired and don't want to "get up Mommy" or take a deep breath before I address the spilled milk that was certainly not an accident! I can take it all in stride and focus on the good and let the bad fade in the background.

Listen more and talk less! Sometimes I think my way is the only way...well, most of the time I think my way is the only way! But I'm working on it! Things I have read and witnessed have made me reflect more often as I get older. My neighbor keeps telling me that some day I'll grow up and think before I speak. Although I don't know how quickly that day is coming, I do think he has a point. I am learning that I don't understand why people do things a certain way because I am not them. I do not know what happens in their life to cause them to act the way they do or choose the path they do. Rather than judge them or give them advice that they didn't ask for, I'm going to try to listen more and talk less. If they want advice they will ask. If not, I'm going to TRY to listen and understand rather than voice my opinion.

Attend church regularly. This sounds like an easy resolution to some, but with three children (six and under) it is a chore to get everyone dressed, fed and to church in time. Once we get to church I would also like to still be relaxed enough to enjoy the service (since that is why I want to attend). It takes practice and commitment. It is easy to say, this is my only day to relax and sleep in, but really it only takes a couple hours and the rest of the day is yours. It is getting easier and more routine each time we attend. It is also helpful that most of the congregation enjoys the loud commotion my children provide, offering them waves and smiles, picking up after us and introducing themselves to us each week. The music lifts up my soul and the sermons challenge me to think. My children like it. I can sacrifice my one day of nothing to do for that.

I hope whatever resolution(s) you have all decided on make you a better person (even if it is for a few months;))! I hope as many good things happen this year as they did last! A new year certainly offers new hope! Just make sure you are hoping for the right things!

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to look at things laura!

    You gave me new perspective! You are right about being thankful for the good things that happen in the past years rather than saying I hope this year is better. We can always hope the new year will be better too but we always can be thankful as well for the past regardless of if its good or bad. I believe it makes us stronger and the people we become today!

