Friday, January 14, 2011

She's not just a survivor;)

Everyone knows someone that has, has had, and/or didn't survive breast cancer. The survivors are very special people, so I will touch a little on that in this writing, but is certainly not the point of the post nor does being a survivor define them.

My cousin, that feels left out since she doesn't have her own post, certainly doesn't need a post to make her feel like one of a kind! She has always been one of a kind. She has always been selfless, caring and sympathetic. These attributes, plus a thousand more, have always radiated from her. Yet, she will not let it go, so here is her post!

From my very first memories of her, I can remember her laugh. Her very loud, boisterous, pure laugh that instantly makes you join her in laughter when you hear it. I remember that even when I'm positive she had many other (much cooler) things to be doing she made up my cheer for tryouts, practiced with me over and over and silently cheered me on as I completed my tryout. I remember hours of giggling as she would apply make-up and make my hair big for dances, special events or talent shows;) She knew that I preferred her to do it over Aunt Con so she would act like she wanted to do it and made it fun. Looking back, I know that she probably didn't want to be putting on my make up or doing my hair, but selflessly, she did it with a smile.

Whenever I would mess up, she was the first person to call to check in. Always ready with one of her horror stories and how she survived. My favorite is when my Granny caught her with one of her boyfriends, but no matter what the story was, it made me feel better. She is one of the best story tellers I know; making even the simplest reenactment into a hysterical comedy scene. Her laugh remains the same; pure, captivating and contagious. She is confident enough to laugh at herself and encourages you to do the same.

When she was diagnosed with breast cancer, the odds were not in her favor (totally downplaying here, just like she would). Did she stop laughing, did she stop living, did she think for a second that she wouldn't pull through? I'm sure she did, but she did not let on in front of too many people and she definitely didn't feel sorry for herself for too long. A couple times that I went to visit her she didn't have the strength or mindset to care if she had a wrap or wig on. To me this was terrifying. Every time I left her house or Sunday dinner at Granny's I would cry all the way home to Bowling Green. Even when the chemo and radiation was killing the cancer AND every other cell in her body, her heart and soul were strong. She didn't want to talk about how she was feeling or how the treatments were going. Instead she would tell me how she felt so bad for her parents and Chris that they had to watch her suffer. SHE WAS THE ONE SUFFERING, but she felt bad for her loved ones that had to watch her. Selfless, loving, honorable, one of a kind.

When I found out I was having a baby it took my amazing cousin approximately one day to show up with a unisex outfit. She couldn't wait, this was going to be the best thing in that happened in my life...whether I thought so or not. She is Lilly's sponsor because on top of all the rotten things that she had to experience, the doctor wouldn't clear her for adoption until she had been in remission for over three years. She wanted a little girl to dress up in the worst way. She showered my little one with love, clothes, accessories and is probably to blame for my two girlie girls and their wanting to wear a dress every day. She takes time and puts thought into things she gives, things she says and things she does.

Eventually she was able to adopt and I must tell you that her daughter is one of the cutest on all of the blocks of Woodville. Always dressed head to toe matching, accessorizing, gorgeous. From a young age she liked to pretend she was a Mommy and she is certainly a great Mommy to Mason and Mylie. She is a wonderful teacher, too, and not just to her students. She has taught me many life lessons and I am only one of the many people that can say this. She makes the world a better place to be.

Surround yourself with positive people for success. Heidi is one of these people. She makes you want to be a better person, friend, mother, sister, daughter, cousin. I hope everyone has a "Heidi" in their corner! So, my dear cousin, although you did not need a post to know this, please know that you really are my first best friend and I admire so many things about you! You are a survivor, but that is not what makes you one of a kind!

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