Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Road to Recovery

With the start of a new year people are often ready to finish the chapter and start a new one, take a different road, build a bridge over the water.  If it was a bad year, you probably want to start a new book entirely or go to AAA and have them map a different route.  New beginnings are refreshing and often necessary.   Yet, sometimes you have to take the winding, bumpy road instead.  Maybe the road even looks like a dead end when you get in the car.  The new year simply can't close all chapters and bridges take time to build and detours aren't always on the map.

The last couple weeks at our house were crazy.  Every night we entertained friends or family, rushed to a holiday party, concert, watched children or went to dinner with friends.  The end result is half of my family is sick, but I still think it was worth it because friends and family make life worth living.  Toward the end of last week I was tired. On top of crazy holiday schedules, work was erupting after a slow period of minimal work. I was feeling unmotivated to do much more than what needed to be done.  Unmotivated to give back. Unmotivated to write.  Unmotivated to reach out.  Burnt-out.

Unfortunately, this burn out feeling isn't new to me .  I think it's normal to have periods of burn out.  It's one of the reasons why employers offer vacation.  Some of my friends even take "mental health days" where they bring their children to the sitter and run errands or do housework by themselves.  Sometimes you need a recharge.  Sometimes you hit a pot hole and your car breaks down. Usually for me my recharge is time with friends and family! Most of the time my support group can help me turn the car around and put the wheels back in place. But even though I was enjoying my time away from work with friends, I was still burnt out, stuck in a pot hole. 

Then I received a text from a friend.  She heard of an organization that helps with cancer families.  Even though our communication was via text, I could hear her excitement about the organization and her inspiration to help was building as we bounced ideas off each other! First she just wanted me to pass on the information- you can check out their website here:  http://ccofnwo.blogspot.com/ !  One thing led to another and her excitement and enthusiasm to help was building.  I know this, because I feel this same surge of energy when I am involved with charitable projects.

She is eager and honest in her desire to help.  She is a cancer survivor and remembers all of the support that was extended to her in her time of need.  She wants to do something, something BIG, but doesn't know where to start.  I told her that I would think about it, talk to some of their family and get back to her...then I continued on with my busy schedule and put the project in my glove compartment.

Last week my biggest worry was having enough time to clean my house in between parties and having enough appetizers set out each night for my friends.  Then I read a post from an equally busy friend of mine and was slapped with perspective and knew I had to take Jess's enthusiasm and run with it.
"Praying for a friend today that has to fight the fight everyday for the next 6 weeks, when we think its tough think of how it could be." John Donley

I hung out with a couple girlfriends on my last day of vacation and one of them told me about a woman in town without heat for her house. My friend has invited her to earn extra income by picking up some slack with her children and house chores.  Her husband is looking at her furnace.  JUST BECAUSE.
I took the thoughts out of the glove compartment and concentrated on the DeVito's. I have made it a point to surround myself with positive, inspiring people like my friends above.  I think everyone should take steps in their life to surround themselves with positive people!  Maybe even make it a late resolution!  It is important and necessary to be continually inspired to be a better person.  Ashley and Danny are two people that fit this bill. One reason that I surround myself with people like them is because I have found that when you need people in your corner, praying for you, rooting for you, the more you have, the more likely you are to finish on top. If you give your all, you will get every one's all back when you are the one that needs it.  I have said it before, but I truly believe it, to be successful you need to surround yourself with positive, successful people.
After I put the kids to bed and started to wind down from the holiday season, I thought about my friend’s text.  Her desire to help the DeVito's as they start the strict treatment plan, the road to recovery.  You can read more about their journey on this website intended to keep everyone informed and up to date on the progress, created by a couple of their best friends, the Wargacki's, here: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/dannyandashley . (Kori does the website, but Jake took a week of vacation during Danny's recovery from surgery to help him get around and keep him company...pretty freaking awesome friends if you ask me!!!)
Danny is a healthy 27 year old.  He married Ashley Perkins July 17, 2010.  He doesn't smoke.  He and Ashley are fitness FREAKS. He is a pharmacist.  He has strong faith in God.  He has a supportive family.  He has great friends...because he is wonderful.  Recently he was diagnosed with lung cancer.
Next week Danny has to start chemo and radiation. Danny and Ashley have decided that Danny will be treated in Columbus.  They will be away from friends and family during the strict 6 week treatment regimen.  I thought about the stress of time off of work, not being at home to prepare meals and things that might help them survive this difficult, curvy road they have been forced to follow. Things that could make this road to recovery a little less agonizing.  Because they need the prayers and support now more than ever.
I came up with a couple ideas, but to make them a success, I need some help...some help from my positive, inspiring friends.  Many people have asked me how they can help, do they need a home cooked meal?  Is there anything that they need? 
Since they will be away from home, I think the best way to help is a Money Tree (Heidi made one for Hailey's 18th birthday and I've been itching to make one)!  We would like to fill a tree with cash donations, gift cards to gas stations, gift cards to restaurants...whatever amount you can afford and feel compelled to give will help!  A friend that walked this journey with her husband also suggested movies, playing cards, things to occupy hospital time...they can be the soil in our tree! You can mail donations to me or Jessica Cousino...I will put our addresses at the bottom.  We are shooting for midway through the treatment to present the Money Tree which will be the first week of February.  Please have any donations dropped off/mailed to us by January 30th.  If you would like to remain anonymous, please specify with your donation and we will not include your name on the card.
Another fun idea that only requires a small amount of time is helping to make them a "Road to Recovery" scrapbook.  We will be putting a scrapbook together and plan to add to it each week.  Please email or write words of positive attitude or faith. I know there are alot of encouraging people that want to help in this fight for a cure, here is an easy way to lift their spirits. Many people have already posted encouraging words, success stories, poems and well wishes on the caringbridge site.  Please continue to post things there as I'm volunteering Kori to help us:)If you would like them to be more personal or simply don't want them on the caringbridge site, you can email them to me and I will add them to the scrapbook as well.
Pearl is the lung cancer color and symbol.  Wear your pearls.  Donate if you can. Share your success story or how you manage stressful times!  The Road to Recovery is tough, but with everyone supporting them, I have no doubt the DeVito's will cruise right on to the next adventure...CANCER FREE on cruise control! 
215 W Riverview Dr. Woodville, Ohio 43469
Jessica Cousino...soon to be Fork:) 2023 CR 62 Gibsonburg, OH 43431  jcousino7682@hotmail.com

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