Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What Grinds My Gears #1

Obviously, I can not post some of the things that REALLY REALLY grind my gears on my blog (since the people that are REALLY REALLY good at grinding them are the ones closest to me in real life).  Most of them don't like it when I write about them at all, so I'm sure they would not approve of me writing about them in a "grinding gears" post!  Yet, per request, without naming names or implicating specific people or places, here are some of the things that grind my gears:

  • Muffin top- Just buy clothes that fit!  I don't want/expect people to be size 0, just buy clothes that fit! People look much better when their clothes fit properly.
  • FB "People You May Know" App- Yep, I know them, there's probably a reason we aren't fb friends.  This app shows me the same people ALL the time.  "You have 101 friends in common"...Really? Didn't know that! I rarely friend request anyone (also rarely reject a request), but if I do, it's not because an app told me to, but because I searched for them on facebook after I ran into them, met them or thought about them.  It's a dumb app, and I wish it didn't pop up all the time.
  • Habitual Tardiness- As I age, I'm getting more tolerant of this trait. Probably because I have A LOT of loved ones that possess this wonderful trait.  It is not an attractive trait, but I find it much easier to deal with when I just assume that M, H and M will ALWAYS be late and simply plan on it! I often lie to them and tell them an event starts a half hour early...sometimes they make it when the event starts that way!
  • Smoking Trick or Treaters!- I almost wrote an entire post on this the day after trick or treat!  I was so very annoyed by the number of parents walking around from house to house with their little ghosts and gobblins WITH A CIGARETTE hanging from their mouths.  I am not climbing up on a soap box here, I do still smoke cigarettes more regularly than I care to admit, but come on! Trick or treat is 2 (TWO) hours long!  Don't you think you could skip the cigarette and hold your monsters hand?  It is not attractive and honestly makes you look silly. 
I had a really stressful morning at work...this made my afternoon much better actually...I am smiling at the things that annoy the crap out of me...I might like this! 

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