Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 30: Faith

Picture by Grant Cummings

Comfort Healing Serenity 
 Forgiveness Grace Peace
 Trust Desire Passion
Beauty Wonder Reverence
 Devotion Healing Tranquility
Faith Hope Love

Thankful for God.

Thankful that my faith allows me to believe that He can provide all of these things when others can't.  Thankful that I can continue to strive each day to follow His lead.

I had a long week full of family and (in a valley girl voice) jam packed every minute.  Generally, this is how I prefer my days to be spent.  At the beginning of this week an English proverb was ringing all too true in my head.  Yesterday I was contemplating hibernation (not attending social functions for a while, disconnecting from fb, etc.) because I was focused on "You can have too much of a good thing".  You can spend too much time with friends.  You can attend too many gatherings.  You can get too wrapped up in problems and drama that aren't even yours to worry about. You can eat too much pie.  Too much.

 Is seclusion the answer?  Is distancing myself from the world and the people that I love going to solve anything? If I don't invest my time and energy to help others, is that the person that I want to be?  I would expect them to be there for me if I needed them.  If I don't offer forgiveness when I expect forgiveness, is that a good example? Would He pull away when the tension was high and the risk seemed far greater than the reward?


I was reminded by a few friends that drama is inevitable, it's part of life.  How I choose deal with it is my choice.  Even though I would prefer to avoid the drama altogether, that's just not the way life works.   I went to bed last night knowing that I was going to wake up refreshed and renewed. I prayed for it, I focused on it. Today, I'm ready to face the world with a smile rather than with my grumpy pants on (that I've had on all week).  I looked in my rear view mirror this morning and smiled at the magnificent sunrise pictured above.  I was hoping Grant would capture it for everyone to see (Thanks Grant)!

Super dooper excited to start the Advent/Christmas Bible Study!  I know a few of my favorite friends from church have decided to join the group. Just the thought of seeing them and Pastor Jen on a weekly basis, when I am feeling fresh out of strength, makes my heart happy.  I have a few special friends on my prayer list that could use the extra prayers and the Bible Study will allow extra time to focus my thoughts on them as I learn more of His word. 

Prayers for my Grandma.  Prayers for my Mom as she is once again in the position to call the shots with the doctors. Silent prayers of my heart.

I'm thankful for my faith.  I want to possess grace and give forgiveness. I want to help with the healing and see the wonder.  I want to feel, with passion, the words at the beginning of the post.  Even when the reward doesn't seem like it's worth the risk.  Even when it would be easier to fold on a hand.  Even when the pieces of glass are scattered about and sharp and out of place.  Because when the pieces are all fit together in a mosaic they are magnificent and beautiful.  Because I believe.

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