Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How much are your children worth?

Purposely, I have not posted anything related to the levy on my facebook page or joined in on any of the discussions. I decided not voice my concern when someone in my immediate family did not vote in an election even though I was the one that was scolded when the polling information was released. I don't watch the news or read the newspaper very often. I really have little desire to talk about politics and even though I like to write about religion I don't force people to read it. I like to keep my rose colored glasses on if at all possible.

From a very early age my Dad taught me the importance of voting. Mr. Hollenbach did a great job of reinforcing this right and honor during my years in high school. Neither my Dad nor Mr. Hollenbach really tried to push a specific party or agenda, but instead encouraged me to educate myself on the ballot. (I would get an eye roll or great big sigh if I voted differently than my Dad, but that's besides the point;))

I really don't care which way Aaron, my mom, my uncle, the people on the administration, the people from my church, my facebook friends, or anyone else votes. As long as they are voting, that is enough for me, but since I was asked to weigh in, I will. Do not read any further if you don't want to hear my opinion, but please exercise your right and honor to vote. Our country worked very hard to put a system in place that allows us to have a say, use it!

With that said, here is my opinion on the school levy...

Anytime that a levy is on the ballot a list of proposed cuts is listed for everyone to see and is usually highlighted and bolded in every article. Is this a scare tactic? Has the administration exhausted all possible options before drawing all of the attention to the proposed cuts? Is there any other way that the school, buses, staff can continue to run at full potential without the additional funding? I don't know! I don't work for the school, I don't attend the levy meetings, I don't ask for the building tour, I don't ask for the salaries of the teachers and the administration.

Why? Because I think my children are worth the extra money if it is necessary to run the school. I don't take the time to educate myself on the school levies or the fire departments desires or the library funding because for me, I will always vote for them. These things are important to our community. Whether I have children or my house is on fire or I want somewhere quiet to research political candidates I would like to know that these necessary resources are available in my community. I don't want to have to send my kids to a private school or a neighboring community so that they don't have to be one of 30+ students or deal with frustrated teachers.

I read somewhere that this levy is just a Band-Aid so why vote yes? Understandable. I can't disagree with this statement because the school is falling apart and this levy will not even begin to fix all of the problems! I can say that whenever one of my kids falls and skins their knee they ask for a Band-Aid. Maybe, just maybe, a Band-Aid is all we can do for now. In this difficult economic state with so many people struggling to make ends meet, maybe we can't afford the full fix that we would all like. Maybe the best and only solution is to settle for a Band-Aid.

We own two houses in the school district. We pay two property taxes, two sewer project fees and we don't make tons of money. We will feel certainly feel the additional property taxes in our bank account. I understand that times are tough. I understand that people are out of work, we've been there too. Still, you have to make sacrifices for what is important. How much are your children worth? How much are your neighbors’ children worth? How much are your grandchildren worth?

I don't want to put a price tag on my children or their education! Because they are worth any amount of money to me. If that means no vacation, cutting coupons, working extra hours, less beer in the fridge (don't tell Aaron!!), then that's what needs to happen. The children are worth any amount of money to me.

I hope that voters can put aside their emotional feelings for the administration and think of the children. I hope that voters can put aside the pinch that an increased property tax will put on their bank accounts and think of the children. But above all I hope that everyone exercises their right and honor to vote. Encourage others to do the same! Remind your neighbors, your friends and your loved ones that there is an important vote on May 3rd.



  1. Very well said!!!!! I wish I could vote in Woodville for your children's future! Our children are priceless! Love on to read up on the blogs I have missed! :)

  2. Nice Laura. I agree with you 100% and it makes me so sad that more people can't/don't grasp this concept. I have put in effort to educate myself and to help educate others but so many just won't hear it. I hope my many prayers pay off on May 3rd. Thanks for taking time to put it in writing!

  3. I think the Band-Aid that people are referring to is that this a band-aid to a broken funding system. We keep on passing levies and are failing to communicate to Columbus that they need to get off their butt and fix the core of the issue, which is the use of property taxes to fund the school systems.

    Instead, we keep on packing the wounds with more gauze until eventually the wound becomes infected and we don't know how to take care of it. You can already see the start of it happening with different schools falling apart, while others have great facilities. Plus, the schools that used to be in great financial shape are struggling to make it, and those that were struggling are becoming desperate.

    While I think the kids are worth it, I struggle to justify passing every levy that comes by when I know that ultimately one day, someone will look at purchasing my house and may choose not to buy it because of the property taxes. I know that was an important factor that we looked at when shopping for houses not long ago.

  4. Very educated comment dearest Adam. Thank you for waiting until after the levy passed to express your concerns on here and on your page:) Proving that you believe the kids are worth it...I don't know enough about the stuff to debate with you, but would be happy to point you in the direction of someone that would love to debate or others that feel the exact same way as you...just let me know if you want some names and numbers:) Again, I thank you for not voicing these concerns before the election because for now a band-aid will have to do!

  5. Just because it's a band-aid doesn't mean I didn't vote for it. I've tried very hard not to make people believe I'm either for or against levies from posts that I make online. I think because I choose to question (which is what I believe we should be encouraged to do) and challenge the norm, people make assumptions.

    My concern is that we all just vote for the band-aid, but never push for a real fix. We just go back into our holes and think "that's good enough for now". This levy doesn't fix the root issue, and unfortunately, the next one won't either. :(

  6. I wasn't assuming that you voted no, but thanked you for not voicing these concerns prior to the vote because any bad publicity would have discouraged any possible yes votes! I'm glad that people like to educate have my vote for Governor;)
