Thursday, April 14, 2011

Facebook WIthdrawal Week 5

Yep, totally over not having fb. I so can not wait to get back on!!

I can't think of anything even worth posting which is totally unlike me. What if I've ruined facebook for myself? I have heard it has been quite uneventful, which makes me happy:) But what if everyone else lost interest too! I will be so excited to log in on Easter and nobody will be left on facebook to communicate with!

I have a friend that has decided to delete any person that is from her town. Her thought is that if they live in her town they should pick up the phone and call or simply stop by her house; that people are too dependent on networking and this is her way of taking a stand. She is going to maintain her fb account for her friends that are all over the country, but if you live in the same town as her you have to call or talk in person. Hmmm...What does everyone think? Are we so dependent on technology that we are losing the good that comes out of personal interaction?

Personally, I don't think so, but wonder how everyone else feels. I was talking to one of my best friends recently (and since a few people have told me I have like 1000 best friends, I'll clarify), the maid of honor at my wedding, the person that tells me when I'm wrong, that stands up to me, Tam. I usually only see her once a month. We tried to plan a night together recently, but after I went through my week and she went through hers, there was not one night that we could get together. Not one. It's not like we don't want to get together, we just can't! With three kids each, work, family and life, it's just not possible to get together very often.

Yet, if I was on facebook I would know how the concert went for her husband last night, I would know if her kids were driving her crazy, or if she posted a cute picture! Yes, I can call her and find all the stuff out, but I can't possibly call each one of my friends every day. Just not possible. I miss facebook!

So super sad that book club is over now:(

But so super happy taxes are almost done and I get to work less than full time. Not much but less is better!

If Aaron doesn't feel better soon, I'm checking myself into a mental hospital. I had to take out the garbage AND cook dinner all week! (we've had pizza, mcd's, mac and

Jamie's shoes for her wedding are kick ass! May is going to be a fun month:)

Camille's favorite song now is The Story. She wants to listen to Momma's favorite song over and over again. She said I'm old like Brandi...another line on the face!


  1. I updated the devotional blog. Sorry I was MIA for a week. Also, just wanted to say what a beautiful writer you are. I totally stalked your blog.

  2. It's ok Julie, I have the printed one too...I won't call you out for not updating;) We'll have to get together soon for some orange soda soon! And thanks:)
