Friday, June 28, 2013


 PLANNER.  I'm a planner.  I plan days, weeks, months in advance.  I even plan "nothing days" where I plan to do nothing but play with the monsters.  Either way, they're scheduled days, written in the planner.

I've written about and told many people how I feel about surprises, but I don't think people understand.  I do not like surprises. 

When I was 10 my mom had a surprise party at a skating rink.  I cried and whined the entire way to the rink because I didn't want to go roller skating. Then, when we arrived, 10 of my friends were there with presents and cake and I looked like an ass for being such a brat.

When I was 16, she did it again!  She had Laurie and Laura drag me out of the house kicking and screaming because I didn't feel well.  They attempted to entertain me by line dancing on a country road and I was a major witch to them and demanded that they take me home.  I walked into a house full of friends, my first boy/girl party.  I took off my shoe and threw it at my mom.

I do not like surprises.

I'm not a huge fan of accepting gifts either.  I am a giver; the one that coordinates the cool fundraising ideas.  I have only been on the giving end until recently and it's very difficult for me to graciously accept all of the things people have given to our family.

Well, tonight Erin and Travis Nicolaysen joined our family for dinner.  This is not uncommon for us.  They met us for family vacation a couple years ago.  They make time to see us whenever they come back this way.  They are part of our family.  When Laine asked Aaron if we were busy and she said they have a surprise for us and to get a sub for volleyball, I was a brat.  I love to play ball.  It's one of the few things that I can still do (don't tell my oncologist, I'm sure I shouldn't be playing) and most likely I will not be able to play after surgery for a long time, if ever.  So, of course I was a brat and asked Aaron: Can't we have a picnic at the volleyball court?  My (annoyingly polite) husband told me no and that he had already invited them over for my mom's birthday dinner.  I pouted all week.

I worked 8-530 today. (I've been working shorter hours since treatment started. Don't get all excited.  I have been putting off this client meeting for a while as I knew it would be a long day.)  I was exhausted, but I was excited to see my wild and crazy brothers, Jake and Treydog and the rest of my family. We hugged and visited and then it was time to eat.  We sat down and everyone got weird.  Here we go, a surprise.

Travis and Erin set up a fundraiser without us knowing and raised a shit-ton of money.  Travis presented the donations in the most loving and Godly way possible.  It was overwhelming and beautiful.

And everyone in the room was crying except me.

Everyone left and Aaron said, is it bad that we didn't cry?  Everyone else was crying.  Does that make us seem ungrateful?

Laine called my mom and said they didn't know how to gauge my reaction for the same reason.

I'm simply not a person that cries easily.  I cried a couple weeks ago when I talked to my friends that paid my utility bill. I cried on Sunday because I've been sad about Pastor Jen leaving for quite some time.  That should do me for public crying for a good month/two/year/five years.  Even with everything going on, I'm simply not one to cry in front of people...especially when I'm surprised.

I do want everyone to know that even though I didn't cry, we are beyond thankful and feel so very blessed to be loved by SO.MANY.PEOPLE. All over the world, people are praying.  Fierce, bold, prayers of healing for me and that is the single most humbling thing I have ever been a part of.  People that I have never met, have once again come together to show support for this ugly disease and it's unbelievable and overwhelming. 

It's crazy and we are beyond thankful, but it is also VERY difficult for me. 

They say, it's better to give than to receive.  In my case this is so very true.  I was taught to work hard for what you want, be nice to others, and help whenever you can.  I know that is what people are doing for me now, it's just hard to graciously accept all of the wonderful, overwhelming support.

After the shock wore off and it was just Travis and I talking, my pseudo-family, I was able to speak to him candidly and actually thank him for all that he did.  Still, during that moment when he was presenting the donation, the surprise and disbelief won.  I just shook my head and made sarcastic remarks and self depreciating jokes. I suppose he's lucky I didn't throw a shoe at him! ;)

Thank you again, from the very bottom of our hearts for all of the support. 

We love you!

Blessed beyond words,

PS:  Aaron is planning a surprise for our anniversary.  He must want a shoe to the face! ;)

PPS: So very annoyed with the POPO.  Travis fell victim to the Woodville speedtrap and was issued a ticket for speeding in front of His and Hers Hair Salon...where tons of people speed.  He came to town just to give me a very special surprise and his reward is a speeding ticket.  #$)(#*%)(#@$&*%#)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Enough? Never Sleeps? Fun? Tired? Pain? Goodbyes? Silent?

Maybe it's because I haven't taken the time to write with regularity?  Maybe it's because I'm tired?  Or because Aaron's on midnights and Keegs has a cough so he's keeping me up at night?  Or because I have to go back to work tomorrow after being off nearly a full week?  Or because Shari mentioned a lack of nose hair and ever since I feel like I can't wipe my nose enough?  Maybe it's because I'm trying to maintain a normal schedule, but I need to say no more often? Or because I can't express the gratitude I feel in my heart?   *Or because it makes me angry when I see an old man smoking a cigarette? **Or that it pisses me off when my friends workout together? Maybe it's because life doesn't stop or slow down just because I'm fighting?

Probably it's a combination of all of them, but either way my mind is racing and there is not a possibility of a post that actually flows this week.  There are simply too many things going on in my head to focus on one, so I'll update on how I'm feeling and share whatever spills out.


A girlfriend shared this post with me and it's worth the read:

Lilly's teacher stopped me at a wedding to tell me what a great job we are doing with our oldest monster.  How she is compassionate and caring to all of her classmates and it was a honor to have her in class...sometimes it's nice to hear that type of thing because our minds can be cruel and often make us wonder if we are enough! Lately it feels like my mind...

Never Sleeps.
The relay went better than anticipated. Surrounded by both my best of friends and complete strangers, I walked the survivor lap. I watched my friends pictures flash on the slide show. I watched my cousins picture flash on the slide show. I watched my dads picture flash on the slide show. I watched my picture flash on the slide show. I walked by luminary after luminary with names of people that I love and care for. And I prayed for cures and miracles.

Do not have a picture of Debbie Dell's "In Memory of" luminary:/

I woke up to a text that I'll have to change a bag next year from "in honor of" to "in memory of" and it was an in-the-face reminder that cancer never sleeps.
Always in our hearts:
And a reminder to live each day and fill it with...


We managed to squeeze in lots of fun during treatment week this time!  We stayed at my uncles trailer and the monsters had a blast exploring and swimming with some of their bestest friends.  I'm so fortunate to have friends that are willing to drop everything to make my life a little easier.  We had a lovely visit at Lakeside.  We played volleyball, attended weddings and pool parties, but I'm...


I'm not sure if it's the cumulative effect of the treatments or because I'm trying to maintain our normal schedule, but I'm tired.  Tired of looking at the laundry and housework, but not wanting to do it.  Tired of wanting to feel normal.  Tired of being tired. Tired of being in...

Round 5 of 8 complete.  More than half way there. Alleluia! When I started treatment Heid asked quite a few times questions like: "Are you sure you feel ok?"  Each time I would tell her that I felt ok, just tired and a little achy.   This round I felt what she was talking about.  I stood at the bottom of the stairs and in my mind it felt like the stairs were so high and nearly insurmountable.  I chased after the monsters and I survived, but the pain is real now.  My legs feel like they are 1,000 pounds each and some steps it feels like they might simply buckle under me.  And then there is a different kind of pain, the pain of..


 "Until we meet again" is equally taxing on my spirit that I'm trying so desperately to feed with nourishment right now.  Pastor Jen has taught me how to feed my spirit when I feel like it's running on empty and I'm forever grateful.  I knew that her last Sunday was going to be difficult.  When she told me that the choir was singing "I Believe" I knew in my heart that I wouldn't be able to make it through the service without tears.

 Thanks for the video, Grant!

Because I believe in God even when God is Silent.

*I have smoked socially since college. I even smoked after I was diagnosed. I still want to smoke, but understand that I can't if I want to live. And it pisses me off that some people "get" to smoke their whole lives and never have any health problems...

**I want my friends to lead healthy, active lives. I want them to workout and be healthy and happy. But it sucks when it is hard for me to walk up the stairs to go to bed when I really just want to go running with them and bitch about things that don't matter in the big scheme of things. Jealousy.


Thank you is not enough...unbelievable, selfless, not for recognition.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Half full/Half empty: SCH #2

When I found out that I would be treated with chemotherapy, there were about 3 positives to the treatment process:

1. No shaving
2. No Aunt Flo (female time of the month)
3. I could stand to lose a few lbs

Well, my body officially hates me.  My leg hair continues to grow.  Aunt Flo has visited on time, both months.  I continue to gain AT LEAST a pound every two weeks, usually two.

How then am I supposed to find half full?  I'm pretty sure the glass is half empty at this point.

BUT...I found a positive.  My chin hair isn't growing anymore!!

Maybe these ladies need some chemo:


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Relay Day 2013

Friday night is the Relay for Life.  Most of this post is a re-post from last year. Bold print is used for the 2013 additions.

Nothing has changed, but so much has changed at the same time.  More people have been added to the list of survivors, fighters and loved ones remembered.  I have been added to the list of fighters.  Yet, it brings all of the same emotions back.

My biggest fear is now reality.

So, I'm not really feeling up to writing a new serious post this week. This week has been one of my tough weeks.  Not because I'm not feeling well, I feel great. But because of hard appointments and decisions for care and tough conversations and this feeling of empathy that burns a line directly to my soul and because this week was already going to be hard enough. One of the weeks where I could get stuck at the bottom of the hill of this roller coaster, but I'm choosing to climb back up.  Slow and steady, but I'm getting there.

Friday will make me a stronger person.  Friday is Relay Day:

It is both a day that I anticipate and dread.

It is a reminder that people win the fight! The survivor lap is proof. All cancer survivors take a lap together and wear a different colored shirt in honor of their fight. When they take their lap so many thoughts flood my mind. I think about walking over to my friends workplace to give her a prayer shawl and how beautiful she looked that day despite her fears. Tears start to form as I think about the time that I stopped by Heidi's house and she opened the door without her wig on. It makes me smile to think of when Cheryl and Jess realized at bunco that they endured treatment together so many years ago and joked about how they look much different with hair and color in their skin! How difficult it must have been for Jess to move away when her Dad was still completing his treatment regimen. I vividly remember when Amy called to tell me that Danny had lung cancer. I wish Amanda didn't have the scars to prove she's a survivor. I wish Matt didn't have to have a Happy Cancer Day! I think about how they fought so hard and won! Through the treatments, the hair loss, the damaged vocal chords, the tattooed eyebrows, the new boobies, the doctors appointments and so much more. I can't even fathom what it is going through their minds!

It is a reminder of sweet, handsome Connor who is currently fighting the dreaded C word. He is already a warrior and he's only 9 (He's 10 now;))! How his loving parents have to explain why and what is going on with his body. "He's had good days and bad days. Mouth sores, nerve pain and nausea. There was about ten days straight that I think he threw up at least once a day." -Sarah, Connor's Mom You can follow the rest of his treatment here: And CONTINUE TO pray for him daily.

It is a reminder of the very powerful bond that was created when I went over to drop off a little love to Rhiannon when she was having her hair shortened.   A reminder of her strength as she continues to fight. 

It is a reminder of a friends dad who lived so much longer than his stated odds. That lived his life to treasure each moment.  That smiled every chance he gotrode his motorcycle when he was able and cherished his time with his family.  Always kept his faith in our Lord above.  Who we laid to rest this year and celebrated his life.

It is a reminder that it doesn't get any easier when I hear about a friend that has to watch their parent grow weak and pray for miracles because I know the pain that they are experiencing too well.

It is a reminder of medical terms and brain mets. Out of town visitors and meaningful time with family. Hospice rooms and final goodbyes.

It is a reminder that eventually I'll have to visit the funeral home again because of cancer until the cure is found.

It is a reminder of the deadly disease that stole my dad, Tammy's mom, Andrea's mom, Heather D's dad, Heather J's dad, so many, too many.

It is a reminder that the stupid *#$&(^)!@$&@#*^&(# cancer is in my body right now.   A reminder that I will finish the chemo soon and I will have surgery and have to wake up to hear whether they were able to get clear margins.  That this roller coaster ride is one that I will be on forever now. 

But is also a reminder of HOPE.

Hope that I see every day in my children. In the unexpected and unexplainable gifts that I have received. The never ending prayers and eased burdens and shared stories and just pure love that you all continue to share with me.

Hope for the cure so my babies can walk only to celebrate, not to remember.

Friday I relay. Sunday is Father's Day.  The third year I will not buy a golf shirt and golf balls. Emotional is an understatement.

With tears in my eyes, I hope for a cure. I hope that each day I make my Dad smile down at me at least once. I hope that those that are battling find comfort in His promises to us. I hope that the survivors know how proud I am of them.
I hope for miracles.
I hope for a cure.

Friday is relay day. Remember. Love. Hope.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Shit happens, but what happens when it doesn't?

Everyone knows the expression "SHIT HAPPENS", but what about the times in your life that it doesn't?!

Well, one or two or maybe all of the new drugs combined have made it difficult for me to make shit happen! 

All of the sudden 5 days have gone by and I think to myself, "Shit, I haven't shit in days!".  And then I look at my ever-growing beer gut (that is not currently being fed with beer and it's NOT happy about this) and realize I'm bloated and constipated!

WONDERFUL.  This is just wonderful!  What do I do now?? (I've never had this problem before.)

So, I tell one of my MUCH older friends about my latest pooping problem and she drops off some collase to assist in dropping the kids off at the pool. But, it's too late!  My butt isn't happy with me and my hemorrhoids have decided that they want to come out to play.

Well, hey, it's been a while!  I thought I told you that I didn't want to have a relationship with you anymore?  I didn't miss you!  You can climb back in and not rear your ugly head again...the rest of my life.

It was too late by this time though and my roids were unbearable.  At one point I thought I was going to black out when I tried to make shit happen!

Prophylactic (one of the new terms that my doctors use ALL the time instead of preventative) stool softeners from here on out.  I'm breaking up with the roids forever.  They're pretty much assholes.



Monday, June 3, 2013

Old Pine

Nothing new to report.  Nothing profound to write about.

But not because I'm sick or too tired-because I've been busy living. 

"Careless and young, free as the birds that fly with weightless souls"

When Aaron and I were younger, a couple of our favorite things to do together were camping and listening to live music together. (I think he will agree with this assessment?!) The song "Old Pine" by Ben Howard reminds me of this time in our lives when we were careless and young.  I fell in love with it the very first time it was playing in our house.  I don't often ask who sings a song, I just listen to whatever he plays, but this one had me with just a few strums on the guitar. This weekend we listened to live music and stayed at my uncle's trailer (much easier than camping with three little ones)...still a couple of our favorite things to do together.

"We stood steady as the stars in the woods,
so happy-hearted and the warmth rang true inside these bones"

If you haven't noticed, I'm not sitting around feeling sorry for myself, even when I don't feel well.  I am standing steady and happy-hearted as I try to take in all of the beauty around me.

Friday night we pretended we were young and carefree.  We did one of the things we used to do best: sat and listened to one of our forever friends rock out.  We giggled with each other about how the times have changed and how crazy we were so many years ago.  After listening for a couple hours, I asked if he was ready to leave and he said he wanted to stay a little longer.  Aaron doesn't ask for much and I was feeling fine, just a little tired, so I happily obliged and listened for a while longer. 

Earlier in the evening both JB and Mark, the members of Rockoustic, asked if I wanted to hear anything.

 Joking (but bratty), I said: "Yes, I already put on your page that I want you learn a song for me."  (Like they're just supposed to drop everything and learn a song when I request it;))

They both shrugged me off and asked if I wanted to hear anything OTHER than that?

"No, I'm happy with the playlist so far, but thanks for asking."

Sam, Jon's fiance, even went as far as telling me a white lie: "Mark doesn't want to learn that song."

So, we listened to them play a little bit longer.  I thought fondly of the many nights we listened to them play during our youth.  And then I heard a familiar strum on the guitar.  I had to listen for a few moments, but I knew quickly what they were playing and my eyes started to fill with tears.

They did learn the song for me!  I responded that I was coming and the very same day, both of them listened and learned. Over and over again they played the song so that they could play it live that night.

And I was happy-hearted and I thank the stars above for that moment as time seemed to stand still.

"Hot sand on toes, cold sand in sleeping bags, I've come to know that memories were the best thing you ever had"
I'm trying REALLY hard not to overschedule.  I'm attempting to live more slowly and see more clearly. Saturday we planned to go to the lake if it was nice and stay home if it was going to rain.  It was exactly in the middle, but at the last minute we decided to go to the lake.  Just our little family, away from the crazy-busy for a little while.

Sparklers, golfcart rides, ice cream, books on the deck, relaxing with my babies, long naps, walking hand in hand with the loves of my life.

**Not like, "Ok family, hold hands and walk away from the camera and I'll take a picture." No, this was completely unplanned and spontaneous and perfect. I grabbed Aaron's hand and Keegan weezled his way in between us and Lilly and Cami grabbed each of our free hands.  And my heart leaped with joy. It is etched into my soul instead of a photograph.  I can see it even more clearly than I could if it were on canvas when I close my eyes tight.

"I've come to know the friends around you are all you'll always have"

We ended with the weekend with a house full of friends and I couldn't be happier when I'm surrounded with so many people that I love.  Tons of food, lots of smiles and even more monsters filled the backyard. 

You won't always have your health, you won't always have the best car or house, you won't always win, but you'll always have the ones you love. 

Because they are part of you.

Hoping and praying to grow, MUCH older still.

"We grow, grow, steady as the morning
We grow, grow, older still
We grow, grow, happy as a new dawn
We grow, grow, older still
We grow, grow, steady as the flowers
We grow, grow, older still
We grow, grow, happy as a new dawn
We grow, grow, older still"

Last of the A&C treatments on Wednesday #4 of 8 total. Since I know what to expect, of course it's time to change it up;)  I start the T drug (Taxol) after this treatment and this new drug offers an entirely different set of possible side effects. 
We are also meeting with a plastic surgeon and the genetic couselor during this round. 

In other related news, the two things I THOUGHT would be ok during this stupid treatment: no more shaving my legs and a little weight loss, ARE NOT HAPPENING!!! I think my leg hair has stopped growing, but I guess I'm going  to have to break down and shave them one more time for the summer AND I'm GAINING weight!!! Unbelievable! My body hates me! 
Aaron might have to physically place me in the car and strap me in this week.  I feel so good and don't want to feel like poo again.

Memories are the best thing you'll ever have. 
Spend time making them.



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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Adults say the darndest things!

First of all, please know that I'm not offended when and if you say things like this to me, but I'm writing this so that you're more aware in the future of how the things you say might be...hmmm...well, quite simply put, WRONG.  I'm fairly certain that along with the faulty brca gene, I'm also missing a few sensitivity genes, so when people make comments like this to me, I just smile and shake my head.  However, I'm sure that not all people that have diseases are quite as immune to comments that are rather insensitive.

We've all heard the saying: Kids say the darndest things, but what I've found to be more accurate since my diagnosis is that kids say the most truthful things and adults say the darndest things!

I have had many kids ask me why I'm wearing the scarfs/beanies. I explain to them that I have cancer and that the medicine that the doctors are giving me also makes my hair fall out.  Some of them have asked if it hurt when it fell out, others asked it will grow back, and some were satisfied with simply knowing why I was wearing the scarf.

Adults, well, as my hair falls out, I continue to get things like this from them:

"You look like a lesbian"  (Absolutely nothing against gay or lesbian people.  I have many friends that choose this lifestyle and I was not at all offended by this statement. Yet, for some people it's probably not what I would consider a compliment.)

"I can't believe you lost your hair already!" (Really people, it's not fun to lose your hair.  Implying that it's gone more quickly than you anticipated doesn't make the person that's pulling their hair out in clumps feel any better!  On a bad day, I might have snapped: I can't believe you're wearing that shirt in public!)

"You look like a fortune teller, will you buy my lottery ticket?" (If I were a effing fortune teller, I would have had my tatas taken off a few years ago and avoided the chemo and radiation, dumb ass.)

"With the scarf and those big earrings, you look like a pirate!" (I do like to dress up for Halloween, but mostly because my lover has a kick ass party.  NOT because I want to look like a pirate every day.)

"How is Aunt Jemima doing this morning?" (Obviously better than you because you're an ass.)

"I didn't think you liked to wear the head diapers (chemo beanie)?"  (Actually, you're the one that said you like the scarfs better.  I just want to have something on my head when I walk out the door, but thanks for referring to my head wrap as a diaper!)

"Take that thing off.  You're cute enough to go bald." (From a person that doesn't even know my name, simply works in my office building.  Really, if I wanted your opinion, I'd ask, but in the meantime, why don't you shave your head and see what it's like to have everyone stare at you with pity when you walk by?)

"Are you feeling ok?  You don't look like you're feeling well." (Actually, no, I feel like crap!  I just had my second chemo treatment and shaved my head.  I feel like crap and I'm in a very public place trying to live my life.  Thanks for pointing out that I look as well as I feel!)

So far, this is my favorite.  Wait for it, wait for it!

After discussing all of the ailments that the person was suffering from (I pretended to feel ok even though I felt like crap and it hurt to open my eyes), they said: "I almost wish I had cancer instead." (After the shock and disbelief of what they said wore off a little, I still really don't have any words or comeback for this one!!! Instead I just shook my head and went on with my day.)

I hope you all got a little smile out of the responses that I want to give to people when they say these things and please know that I'm not at all hurt by some of the crazy things that come out of your mouths.  I just thought I'd share some of the things that might be better left unsaid in the future as you deal with people that have cancer.

AND since I'm giving you examples of things NOT to say, here a few tips for appropriate things to say!

I'm still the same bratty, loud mouth, crazy person as I was with hair.  "Hey brat, how ya doing?" with a nice (GENTLE-some days I'm pretty achy) hug and "I'm thinking about you/praying for you!" Would be splendid:) 
If you like scarf or beanie, feel free to say it.  If you have questions about the scarf, the hair, the treatments, feel free to ask. 
BUT, if you think I look like a genie, gypsy, pirate, syrup spokesperson, or that I'm wearing a diaper on my head, please feel free to keep it to yourself!

3 of 8 done!! The doctor could feel a noticeable difference in the mass (smaller and more squishy like boobies are suppposed to be) and the lymph nodes are small enough she had to search for them!) Thanks for the pillow and blanket, Martha!! Heidi's joining us for the next round, so I'm sure she'll pretend she's a paparazzi and there will be more photos;)

I wore the wig for the first time when I went to visit with Sarah Beth Blakely and Ashley Lowry.  They both liked it just fine, but I only left it on for the first hour of our visit and it didn't feel right so I put the diaper back on my head!

Some of the most amazing women I know!

Awesome birdhouse from Rich Harman

 Lots of other goodies, but sometimes I don't feel like snapping photos...or moving off of the couch:)  One of Lilly's girlfriends bought her an angel pin and I got the same one from one of my friends so she thinks that's pretty awesome and wore it to school today:) (Thanks, Carrie Kutchenriter and Kelly Biggert)

OH, and my sneaky friends had an oven delivered while we were at treatment last week!!!! I was complaining that my stupid oven decided it doesn't want to work and poof, there's a new one!!

And my mother-in-law came over with a bag full of much too generous goodies from her bunco group.  I promise that someday I'll get around to writing thank-you's!! But, seriously, you guys are too much!! (And I hope my bunco crew is as super awesome in wait, how many years have you been playing together?? 100?? :))

Lots of love,