Monday, July 1, 2013

Medical Update

It's been a while since I've updated on the medical stuff.  I'm going to try to make this one all medical, so if you're not interested in the medical update, no need to read on.

I have completed four treatments of the chemo concoction  (A-Adriamycin and C-Cytoxan) and I have three more treatments of T-Taxol for a total of 4.  My last chemo treatment is scheduled for July 31, 2013.

The side effects are manageable, but some of them are a pain in the ass.

A more complete list of side effects:

But, my least favorites are:

Hot flashes!  Women talk about hot flashes, but this is serious business.  Waking up drenched in sweat and stripping your clothes as fast as possible is not may be entertaining to the male sharing your bed, but it's not fun!


Buzzing in my ear.  I think it's called tinnitus.  It's annoying and when it happens it makes me think I'm losing my mind-or what's left of it at least!

The aches, but I think these are the easiest for me to deal with because I fully anticipated them.  NOT looking forward to having them during the carni time!! The carni will miss me if I can't make it down there.  I've been there every year since I can remember!  SIDE NOTE: GENTLE HUGS if you see me this week!

In one of my first posts about my diagnosis, I talked about the type of cancer and plan of action. (Invasive Ductal Carcinoma: Estrogen-receptor positive (ER+), Progestrone-receptor positive (PR+), AND HER2-NEGATIVE!)  I didn't really touch on the staging or the extremely frightening things that connect to a stage-like statistics.  I don't like to think about it.  I don't want to know. I want to believe that it doesn't matter.  The next medical treatment will be surgery. I do not have a date yet, but it will either be the last week of August or the first week of September.  They will stage me during surgery.

So, the anxiety is back.  Anxiety is cruel, but I'm trying to stick with just a medical update so I'll steer clear of this subject or it would take over the post.

During surgery they will HOPEFULLY be chopping off both second bases.  I have a history of blood clots, so we are meeting with a hematologist (blood doc) this week.  If he gives the green light, they will take them both at the same time. (If he says no, I will shoot laser beams out of my eyes, turn him into a green alien, and get a second opinion.)

Either way, one boob at a time or two, during surgery they will shoot dye under my left arm and see how many lymph nodes light up.  The fewer the number, the better.  They will take any and all that are suspicious.  The more they have to take, the higher the risk of lymphodema (Andre the Giant arm) and a high number is also an indication of the stupid ass cancer cells floating around other places in my body (MEDICAL LANGUAGE THERE;)).

Once they take all of the tissue and skin, a plastic surgeon will take over for the general surgeon and he will put in tissue expanders and sew me up.  I will only stay in the hospital a day or two and they'll send me on my merry way, very heavily medicated.  Along with the tissue expanders, I'll have drain tubes.  I've heard they are *Super awesome and I can't wait!

They will let me heal for a while and then they will start adding fluid to make my new rack. Once every week/two depending how quickly my skin stretches they will add more fluid.  *You know, since that's the reason I'm going through hell, just to get a new rack.

After they inflate my new rack to my liking, I will have 35 radiation treatments.  Once a day for 7 weeks, they will zap the spots that are known to have cancer cells ONCE living (they will all be dead when they're done is the hope).

More healing time will be granted following radiation and once the plastic surgeon feels comfortable, he will take out the tissue expanders and put in my nice, new implants.

So, that's the plan.  Pray that I don't have to turn the blood doctor into an alien because I'm fully prepared to do so if necessary.


Everyone have a blessed Independence Day!!  I think I'll work on teaching Cami and Keegs the 50 Nifty United States song and send Lilly and Aaron to fetch elephant ears and fries and cotton candy!

Lots of love,

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1 comment:

  1. You got this, you are an amazing person and have one hell of a family and group of friends behind you. Daily prayers still coming your way.
