Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday's Friendly Fun

Sorry guys, I did have an idea earlier in the week for Friday's fun, but I never got around to it...maybe next week!

And I'm not feeling creative AND more importantly Grey's starts in 7 minutes, so this will be short and sweet!

PERSPECTIVE is everything.

Tonight was beautiful! The weather was nice. The kids were all in great moods! Other than being tired, I am feeling pretty good, too:) I didn't have to rush to get food down throats because Aaron had dinner ready in the crockpot when we got home. Lilly dressed herself. The water bottles were full and we were all ready to go well before we had to leave...I should have known it would be a good night!

Even though I am a "coach" for the team, with crazy work schedules and everything that happens in one little day, often I get to watch the younger children rather than coach. Tonight was one of these nights and it was perfect. The field we played at had a nice big hill that the younger children liked to roll down and climb. The hill was the perfect spot to watch a soccer game. The girls on the team could still hear my loud mouth and in between "I need another piece of gum, it felled out!" and "Can I take my shoes off?" I was able to lean back and enjoy the glorious evening.

The kids all listened well. I got lots of high fives and cuddles from my monsters and Kiks, but my favorite part of the evening was an argument between two sisters:) Keira picked a three leaf clover and brought it to me. She was so excited to tell me that it was yucky (lucky). Paige immediately told her that three leaf clovers are everywhere and they are not lucky at all! Keira said, "Paige, this one is yucky. I picked it for Yora and it is yucky!" I gave her a big hug and told her that I felt like the luckiest girl alive so obviously it was a lucky clover! Paige shrugged her shoulders and they all smiled at each other.

It's all about perspective! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

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