PRE-children...I can only faintly remember pre-children, but I do remember thinking that I wasn't going to be one of "those" moms. I was going to do it the right way, but not go overboard. I was going to give them what they needed, but not everything that they wanted. I learned from my parents what I wanted to emulate and the things that I wanted to change. Pretty much, I planned to be the perfect mom, not one of "those" moms!
I wasn't going to be one of "those" moms that asked her daughters if they have a boyfriend...or every single one of her friends when they come over (JEAN). Right now I don't have to ask because Lilly can not lie AT ALL, so at the slightest mention of the boy she has a crush on, her face turns beat red:) However, once I can't tell by her reaction, I'm sure that I will be THAT Mom that asks my daughters who they like!
I certainly wasn't going to be one of "those" moms that let my 4 and 7 year old girls shop at the trendy stores just because all of their friends were. I grew up on Value City and I am perfectly fine...well, I guess that is a questionable statement...I will rephrase. I grew up on Value City and it did not harm my health, I still had friends and I didn't feel like I was poor simply because I didn't wear Abercrombie. Contrary to Aaron's thoughts on the subject, I think I do a good job pacifying the girls without succumbing to the JUSTICE propaganda very often. I always print coupons if we decide to make a trip to the trendy little store and limit them to one outfit each. In actuality I can count on one hand the number of times I have entered the store. Sometimes I just can't resist though! Not because I think the clothes are cuter or better made, but because the girls light up when I tell them that they can get to pick out an outfit from Justice. So, I guess I'm one of "those" moms that shops at Justice.
I definitely wasn't going to be one of "those" moms that was strict about bed time. I thought kids should be flexible and I didn't want bed time to run my life. UNTIL I witnessed one too many tantrums after a skipped nap or consecutive late nights. Now, my kids are in bed by 8:30 on school nights if at all possible. They are allowed to stay up later on the weekends, but I am still mindful of their sleep pattern. If they are up late one night, I try not to let them stay up late the next or make them take a nap if I anticipate two late nights. So, I guess I'm one of "those" moms that is strict about sleep schedules.
I wasn't going to be one of "those" moms that let their children walk out the door without brushing their teeth in the morning. Have to admit, I'm positive this has happened more than once. In the rush to pack lunches, brush hair, get the perfect toy to prevent melt down, get out the door, sometimes I forget to check teeth. I'm one of "those" moms that let's their children leave without brushing their teeth.
Now, I don't think I will mind it if I'm refereed to as one of those moms.
I'm still learning. I make parenting mistakes almost every day. I yell when I should try explaining why something is wrong...again for the 100 millionth time. I expect too much. I'm far from the perfect mom that I planned to be. I turn into mean mommy at 8:31 when I hear talking, laughing, footsteps and sinks running.
BUT, I don't mind if people call me one of "those" moms. I'm confident that I am doing the best that I can. I show and tell my children as often as possible that I love them. If that makes me one of those moms, I'm proud to be one of those moms! Don't be offended when you're called one of "those" moms, take pride in it:)
To the people categorizing their friends, family and complete strangers into "those" moms: Maybe, just maybe, you should take a look in the mirror. The things that make you one of those moms may be different than the ones that make me one of those moms, but you do have your own quirky behaviors. Maybe before you judge others, you should think of all of the things you were never going to do until you actually had a child of your own. Sometimes I think people categorize out of jealousy, sometimes out of lack of knowledge. We all do it even if we aren't meaning to.
Cheryl and Nichole are "those" moms that pack the 100% healthy, perfect lunches, EVERY DAY! I categorize them out of jealousy...I WISH I took the time to pack lunches for my monsters like that every day, but I don't. Just because I'm lazy doesn't mean I should tease them...Luckily they both know me and will not find me drawing attention to them being overachievers at all offensive:) Actually, they expect it out of me! But I should try not to categorize them, I suppose:)
It'd be better if we all simply tried to judge less and love more, but in the meantime, I'll be happy being one of THOSE moms!
Donuts for breakfast...Yep, I'm one of "THOSE" moms!