Thursday, September 13, 2012

More on why!

Last night we stopped at my moms house after the soccer game because she invited the kids over.  She let a few tears slip out when she was telling us that her friend from work was diagnosed with the dreaded C word. 

Mimi and Lilly:

It's just not fair!  She just retired. She's just the nicest woman.

Life's not fair, Mimi. Mom tells us that all of the time.

Yeah, I know Lil, that's why you have to have as much fun as you can because you just never know!


Just because.  Did you have fun today? (Attempt to deflect the answer on her heart)

Because you never know when you're going to die?

Yes, Lilly, because you never know when you're going to die.
  Lilly was satisfied with her answer once she had the truth and my three monsters went on to play basketball, but my mom was still visibly struggling when we left.  Hopefully the video of her handsome grandson helped a little, but really what she wants is an answer to this why!  An answer that so many of us ask without receiving an answer.

This morning I logged into facebook and read two status updates that brought me back to this conversation between my mother and my child.

One from a friend begging prayers for her dear friend that was suddenly a widow.   Her friend, left to pick up the pieces and start over again, without her husband by her side.  How can you not ask WHY!!? How can you not scream WHY from the very top of your lungs??

And then I read another update.  An announcement of the birth of a miracle baby! A baby that the two loving parents hoped and dreamed for, but thought the possibility of this happening, especially one month before her Daddy started chemo, was pretty slim.  They already knew that his counts would be low since the yucky C word was in his young, otherwise healthy body.  The odds weren't in their favor, but God had a plan.  He knew that they needed Ella Grace.  They prayed for her.  She was perfectly packaged as she grew in her Mommy's belly. The hope, the love, the wonder-ever present in her parents' eyes, even while her Daddy was fighting for his life. (Yes, the same people that I was begging prayers for last year when they found their way through the road to recovery, Danny and Ashley DeVito, delivered the most perfect little girl bright and early this morning.  They are so very ready to enjoy new bumps on the sleepless nights and dirty diapers:) Oh, and while we're talking about the DeVito's, they're ditching the recovery part of the road, too!  Danny's scans are clear and clean:))

This morning I am not any closer to answering the "why's" than I was when I first really started digging into my faith. Honestly, when I hear about good people in bad situations, my first question is still WHY!

BUT- I have learned that He is always with me, just as He is always with you...and my mom and her friend...and Linda and her friend...and Ella and her proud parents.  I am going to take Mimi's advice and have as much fun as I can every day because you just never know.  When I'm really struggling with the "why's", I will seek comfort in His words and search for hope in the pain. Ella Grace is my best example of His loving grace today, but if you look around, it's everywhere.  In the snoring choir concert that I attended this morning in my very own bed.  In the beauty of the sunrise each morning. In the difficult conversations with inquisitive, beautiful almost eight year old girls.  All around.

Prayers to my many friends that need them today.  Prayers that they will all be surrounded with God's loving grace.  Happy Birthday, Ella Grace!


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