Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Busy Mom Conquers the World #1

I'm asked how we fit everything in quite frequently so I thought I'd write some of my tips.  Some of them are serious, some of them are for your entertainment, some of them are learned by finding out what DOESN'T work:) I will try to add a post each month or so. 

Have one child "help" with the dishes (also known to slow down the washing process significantly, but the benefits are worth it).  Also works with dusting, laundry, etc. Forced one-on-one time while accomplishing housework.  The child feels needed and you can catch up on their day.

Keep all sporting gear together in one place.  All soccer uniforms, socks, pads, cleats, bows to match the uniforms are in Lilly's room.  Leotards are in Camille's room. This way when they all have games and we have 2.2 minutes to get dressed, I know that everyones "stuff" is ready, in the same spot and ready to go.  (Tell your husband that you have all of the stuff organized or the plan fails when you're not home...miserably!)

Leave the basket of unfolded socks sit in the living room long enough (SOMETIMES OVER A MONTH) that your mom/husband finally matches them because she/he is sick of looking at them.  (I'm really good at this one!!)

THIS WILL BE MY FAVORITE SECTION (if I continue and make Busy Mom Tips a series)...HOW TO BE ON TIME:
While monsters are eating, do their hair.  They are concentrating on putting the food in their mouths and move less than if they are biting/kicking/pushing each other:)  Putting on shoes while eating is also a time saver, but then they do have to walk on the carpet to brush teeth (unless you grab the toothbrushes and have them brush downstairs:))


  1. I don't see ANYTHING about menu planning in an excel spreadsheet. FAIL.

    Although I do like the hair idea (maybe someday Violet will have enough hair to do), so maybe you redeem yourself a little.

    1. BAHAHAHA!! It's only the FIRST post, Fartlicker. I didn't want to give away ALL the secrets at once!!! You crack me up:)
