Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Ash Wednesday: GS Cookies are the work of the Devil. > During the work day I only used eff one time...but it was my keyboards fault, not mine!!  Grandma update from my Mom-another $.25! Talked to Syndi on the phone...$.50.  Total day one $1.00!!

2/23: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS!!! MISS YOU!! >Feeling guilty about missing a work out last night.  I started reading and got lost in the book.  I meant to read until the monsters were sound asleep and then go work out...I read til I fell asleep. >Awesome chat time on my drives home this week...Jessay and Syndi in one week:) >SO SO SO don't want to workout tonight...It's 8:30 and I still have to bake a cake, pack and clean up from scream box making!! BUT, if I'm going to do this dumb warrior dash, I have to get going! $.50 Day 2...not talking much:)

2/24: Very productive at work without access to fb! >Excited to see Tammy's house!

2/25: I wouldn't have been on fb anyways because when I'm with my friends I try to make a conscious effort not to be on facebook...you know, since I'm with them in real life, I don't need to check on them:) But I did have a wonderful visit with my friends at Tammy's new house:) We even pretended we were in college and watched "Friends" reruns! THE CAR RIDE TO/FROM...NOT SO MUCH!! (If I have time to write sometime this week, I'll tell a good "Mom" story to make you all smile for Friday Fun).

2/26: Spaghetti dinner was lovely!  The fellowship hall looked beautiful all decorated in pretty spring pinwheels! Thanks for everyone that attended:)  Oh and yummy food!

2/27: I did not think in facebook updating status mode at all today-haha.  You know how you sometimes think in that way...like you think to yourself "I am going to post this or that"?  Well, I didn't do that at all!  No facebook isn't so bad...foul language experiment is not going as well:( 

2/28: I am excited to start Bible study tomorrow:) :) 

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Scream Box

Tammy turns 31 tomorrow...this is where my creative energy went this week. 

Sorry! No blog. No facebook. I stink as a contributor to the social networking society this week:) I guess I can pin this so I'm contributing a little? Maybe? :) 

Anywho, if you want to make a special gift for a friend...here's an idea that I came up with while thinking about things to give one of my bestest friends:)  She has three young children and a husband to care for.  She's a stay at home Mom.  She recently moved.  She is taking classes toward a second degree.  She has a dog and a cat...she has many moments during her day that she feels like she is going to SCREAM!!!


1. Cover a box in wrapping paper/fun scrapbook paper.
2. Cut a hole in the box about the size of your open mouth...I made the hole smaller than my mouth because it's been said that I have a big mouth:)
3. Make up a "prescription label" and "instructions for use" personalized to the person you are giving the "Scream Box" to.
4. Decorate the box however you please...pictures, quotes, words, stickers, etc.  It probably would have been better if I would have added pictures, but she has all of the same pictures I have and I don't want to part with my copies of them!

The definitions, product descriptions and prescription label that I used are below:

SCREAM: A long, loud, piercing cry expressing extreme emotion or pain.

SCREAM BOX: A place to store screams that need to be let out, but there isn’t anywhere to put them…and nobody there to hear them anyways!

This box was made with LOVE for YOU. 
It is to be used, as necessary, as many times a day as needed.  Examples of use for this product:
v    John is working out of town and all you really want is 10 minutes to yourself to clean or sit in silence or talk to your friends.
v    Ryne spilled the milk, Gavin dumped the cereal all over the freshly swept floor and Olivia is late for the bus.
v    You REALLY want to be hanging out with the doctor who wrote this prescription, but she lives too far away, you don’t have a sitter and it’s just not possible.

LOVE LOVE LOVE Rx Pharmacy Care
333 Whenever you need me
Call Me, Illbethere 33333
(419)XXX-XXXX (my number)

Rx#:7777777       Dr. Too Many Titles

Love Love Love Customer:
Tamara X XXXXXXX 01/01/01 F

Her Address
Johns House, Ohio 11111 

REFILLS: Unlimited  QTY: As necessary

The kids made a box for Olivia too:)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Invest in the Future

Currently we are working on obtaining life insurance.  I know, I know, we should already have this in place. Honestly, I work for an estate planning attorney and we don't even have Wills.  Yes, I'm working on that now too.  I guess it's time to be a grown up...since I am 30! So, soon (I set a deadline of March 1st for myself...it's in my planner- so it has to happen), my family will be protected financially and a guardian will be in place should something tragic happen.

While I'm investing in the "in case" future to protect my monsters, I thought I should take the time to research the right now and near future for my children.  There is an important vote that will play a huge roll in their lives that is quickly approaching. Unlike the life insurance quotes that we have been receiving, I don't get to compare the data sheets or have a representative look into other options if I don't like one or simply want a more in depth comparison.  I don't have an unlimited amount of new building funding representatives that I can contact, endless online resources or friends to compare the quotes with.

Instead, I have to look at the information provided by our school representatives. I need to make an informed decision based on the information they provide, outside information that I have gathered from the auditor's website and the state website, ask questions if I have them and show up on the day of the vote. 

Unfortunately, when it comes to the school levy and the necessity for a new school verses renovation, I don't have all of the answers.  Without relying on the information presented by the administration I can't answer questions like "Does the school need to be that big?" or "Why can't they renovate rather than build?", so I'm not going to try to answer them.  I don't know why everyone can't pay the same amount of taxes. I don't want to argue about why I believe that our community should support the levy.  I don't want to argue about the additional burden to the check book. I really don't care what it costs because I will vote yes regardless. BUT just so everyone knows that we will feel it, ours is estimated at $450 per year increase for both houses.

Even when I hear questions presented by a person that I hold the highest respect for, it doesn't make me want to join the levy campaign or debate with him.  I'm simply not motivated by political issues, but I wanted to take the time to tell you why I think this levy is important and necessary; why this investment makes all of our futures brighter.

I suppose I should also preface by stating that
 before and after I took the time to research the levy page: http://www.woodmore.k12.oh.us/dbuilding_levy.htm 
I am a YES vote.

To understand that the need is real, I trust my seven year old when she tells me that she's scared that the building is going to fall on her. Her fear is honest and somewhat warranted since many of  her friends have been moved out of their classes because they have been deemed unsafe and beams have been repaired.  I have walked the halls and viewed the virtual tour.  The need is real.  The band aids can only hold for so long and they are losing their adhesion quickly with each flood, each shingle knocked down, every hour the ancient boiler is running.  Simply put, the building is too old for renovation to be the answer.

I know that the maintenance and repairs on my own house (that was built in 1974) requires money and resources to maintain the structure.  The current elementary school was built in 1923! Even with the tons of money that would be necessary to provide a safe renovation, the structure would continue to require a high maintenance budget every year.  The flood problem alone is discouraging enough for me to vote yes.  I don't want to hope that the water was extracted timely and pray that mold doesn't grow due to the constant flooding condition. 

Personally, I want a school that is structurally sound, filled with caring teachers and up to date technology.  Children learn best in an environment that is safe and we owe it to them to provide this environment. The need is real, the time is now.  I'm ready to invest in the future, not just my "in case" future, but the right now future for the children...are you?

There is an important levy on the ballot on March 6th to build a new pre K - 8 school building. 
Vote YES! Invest in the Future!

Even if your opinion is different than mine...VOTE!  It's your right and honor!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

For my SIZE 8 AND UP Followers

Yesterday on my drive in to work I was listening to 89X.  They were talking about a listener that called in with this scenario: 

Her sister is set to tie the knot this summer.  She is supposed to be in the wedding...HOWEVER, her sister gave her strict instructions that IF she wants to be in the wedding that she needs to lose 15 pounds.  The caller claimed to be a size 8. Personally, I would have told my wonderful, loving, thoughtful sister to SHOVE IT, but that's just me.

When I fit in size 8 jeans for the first time since child number one, I was ECSTATIC! This feat was only accomplished very recently (approximately 2.5 years after having child number 3) and it was hard work to get in the size 8! Currently my sole pair of size 8 jeans is quite snug due to the return of poor eating habits (food group: Lay's Wavy) and lack of exercise.  So, I'm not joking when I tell you that I would have told my sister to SHOVE IT if she would have told me that I needed to lose weight in order to be in her wedding!

Anyways, last night I decided I should probably exercise (since I selected Wendy's for lunch...and my size 8 jeans are snug...oh, and I've been stressed trying to get everything done and that usually causes me to feel gross and unattractive...oh and I just can't type all of the reasons in this short little blog;)).  So I did week 3 of the 30 day shred and ran a mile...a good workout me!!

I woke up this morning feeling a little bit better when I put on my dress slacks and a tad more confident about getting all of my work off of my desk this week.  I still didn't take the time to do my hair or add anything more than eyeliner and mascara to fight the war against ugliness before I gracefully (wink, wink) glided out the door in my heels this morning. I did start the day in a good mood, with a smile...even if my pants are a little tight.

With the "pants are too tight" and "sister can SHOVE IT" attitude in the back of my mind, I ordered a salad for lunch.  I walked down to the restaurant with the 1,000 things that are constantly running through my mind and didn't pay attention to the people around me.  I paid for my lunch and walked away, but I could feel someone watching me.  They followed me into the elevator... I thought to myself "there are 6 elevators, why is this FREAK following me!?!"

He went to push the button at the same time as me and comments, "figures". 

I looked at him as if he were from a different planet, rolled my eyes and said "whatever".

He smiled and apologized.  After his apology for barging into my elevator, he told me that he has noticed me many times in the past few years and he has always wondered if I was available.  The first thing he noticed was my ring.  His final comment was something like: "Married, of course you are married."

I smiled, told him thanks for the confidence boost and I hoped he had a great day:)

In any case, I'm feeling MUCH more confident now and hoping the 89X listener tells her sister to SHOVE IT. No matter what size you are, your sister should want you in her wedding!  Today I'm rocking my 10's (sometimes 12's and on good days my lone pair of 8's)!  Realizing it is probably the fact that I'm normally smiling and singing each day as I walk the halls that intrigued this gentlemen to sneak on my elevator in the first place!  More because I walk with confidence and I hold the door for the people in our building and ask the doorman about his day. Less to do with my pant size or my lack of ammunition in the war against ugliness each morning!!! More about my attitude toward life.

I think I'll go back downstairs and get the cookie I wanted so badly!!! Happy day to my fellow size 8 and up followers:)  Smile...it's your best weapon! The arcade guns might help too:)  Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Made possible with help from...

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!

Amy and Kevin Slates, Kori and Jake Wargacki, Brittany Perkins and Matt Decker, Jessica Cousino and Bryan Fork, Becky and Kris Oberdick, Christi Guhn, Grant and Maryellen Cummings, Kelly O'Connor, Jon Luidhgardt, Laura and Jason Hillkirk, Susie and Paul (Wiechman) Perry, Kevin and Betsy Winters, Michelle Baker, Krista and Chad Herrig, Carie and Chris (Hayward) Sobb, Lindsay and Rich Partenio, Jean Runion, Janeen Middaugh, Julie and Jake Davlin, Ashley and Ryan Travis, Laurie Bundschu, Sara (Miller) and Tom Kuhn, Amanda (Weidner) and Kurtis Lenke, Gary and Audrey Schnabel, Cheryl and Jeff Helmke, Deb Avers, Amanda and Wes Thomas, Melody and Johnny Bedford, Monica and Jason Dietz, Gary and Kelly Wirkner and Family, John and Julie Bergman, Janet and Mark Wendt, Tammy and John Donley, Keri and Kyle Heins, Angie and Brad Schling, Nick Wax, April (Wax) and Ryan Browder, Janelle and Kevin King, Gary and Christina Thatcher, Barb and Rick Runion, Crystal and Matt Theiroff, Sarah (Donnell) and Dan Davis, Terri and Gary Donnell, Marci and Shawn Might, Megan (Donnell) and Jon Williamson, Pat and Larry Dean, Stephanie and Buddy Perkins, Kristen and Justin Perkins, Sarah and Marcos Requena, Jessica Stanford, Travis and Erin Nicolaysen, Renee Graser, Susannah (Brown) and Mark Warren, Jessica Stanford, Ty and Becky Tracy, Janus and Doug Perkins, Dave and Chris DeVito.



OVER $1,000 IN CASH and OVER $500 IN GIFT CARDS!! Books, magazines, snacks, pajamas...



THIS WEEK DANNY FINISHES CHEMO.  FEBRUARY 15th HE FINISHES RADIATION.  MID-MARCH ASHLEY AND DANNY WILL BE ABLE TO MOVE BACK INTO THEIR HOUSE (they had to gut it due to the busted pipe-like down to the studs)!! Your cash donations will pay the deductible for the busted pipe.  The gift cards are keeping them sane! 

Pay it forward when you can...it doesn't go unnoticed!  We will continue to add to the "Road to Recovery" scrapbook until treatment is completed...continue to post to the caringbridge site!

Bolded names donated more than $50...beyond amazing!
Italic names are the people that help put the scrapbook together!
PS: Danny looks great!  (Ashley's pretty cute too;)) They are both an inspiration and I am proud to know them. 

Lots of love and thanks, Laura

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Random Facts #4

Lots of love and prayers to my boyfriend, Aaron's double date partner and the rest of the Hammer family as they say goodbye this weekend. I really hope Barb Hammer can pull some strings and have beer allowed in heaven if it isn't already!!  Her beautiful tribute can be viewed here:
Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us every day,

Unseen, unheard, but always near,

Still loved, still missed and very dear

I don't feel like writing this week, so I'll post some dumb random facts for Friday Fun:)
  • I think potato chips should be a food group...'lay's wavy' to be more specific!
  • I received a purple pen with my most recent Office Max purchase and it makes me smile to write with it.
  • It warms my heart when I am able to help my friends.
  • One of my best friends is moving to Elmore.  One of my best friends is moving out of Elmore.  :/
  • Meeting the yearly health insurance deductible in January each year is a reality for more than one of my friends...the diseases, the treatments, really just thinking about it at all pisses me off.
  • I am giving up fb for lent again.  I have started the weening process...only logging on in the morning, at lunch and at night...I cheat at night and check it more than once;)
  • I have not smoked a cigarette in over a month:)
That's all I've got for ya this week...boring random facts about boring random me:)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Money DOES grow on trees!! (for pinterest)

The cutest little tree came to life recently.  It started with a combination of a couple different trees and lots of love, but it was simple and cute and I love it! 

-Sparkle spray paint
-Branches from a neighbors tree (we don't have any trees mature enough to cut branches and I did ask permission...and permission was granted...after I already took some branches;))
-Fake Flower (right when you walk into Michael's they have all the flowers to choose from)
-Florist Foam
-Money/Gift cards are optional (my friend hung candles instead of money and gift cards for her wedding)

1. Spray paint the branches
2. Put florist foam in the vase
3. Stick the branches in the foam (after paint is dry)
4.  Pull flowers off of the flower you purchased (when selecting make sure there is a hole in the middle when you pull a single flower off)
5. Shimmy the flowers sporadically on the branches
6. Add gift cards and money...Heidi used paper clips, I used ribbon...they both looked adorable:)

It looks even cuter in person since you can't tell by the picture the branches are sparkly!