Wednesday, February 8, 2012

For my SIZE 8 AND UP Followers

Yesterday on my drive in to work I was listening to 89X.  They were talking about a listener that called in with this scenario: 

Her sister is set to tie the knot this summer.  She is supposed to be in the wedding...HOWEVER, her sister gave her strict instructions that IF she wants to be in the wedding that she needs to lose 15 pounds.  The caller claimed to be a size 8. Personally, I would have told my wonderful, loving, thoughtful sister to SHOVE IT, but that's just me.

When I fit in size 8 jeans for the first time since child number one, I was ECSTATIC! This feat was only accomplished very recently (approximately 2.5 years after having child number 3) and it was hard work to get in the size 8! Currently my sole pair of size 8 jeans is quite snug due to the return of poor eating habits (food group: Lay's Wavy) and lack of exercise.  So, I'm not joking when I tell you that I would have told my sister to SHOVE IT if she would have told me that I needed to lose weight in order to be in her wedding!

Anyways, last night I decided I should probably exercise (since I selected Wendy's for lunch...and my size 8 jeans are snug...oh, and I've been stressed trying to get everything done and that usually causes me to feel gross and unattractive...oh and I just can't type all of the reasons in this short little blog;)).  So I did week 3 of the 30 day shred and ran a mile...a good workout me!!

I woke up this morning feeling a little bit better when I put on my dress slacks and a tad more confident about getting all of my work off of my desk this week.  I still didn't take the time to do my hair or add anything more than eyeliner and mascara to fight the war against ugliness before I gracefully (wink, wink) glided out the door in my heels this morning. I did start the day in a good mood, with a smile...even if my pants are a little tight.

With the "pants are too tight" and "sister can SHOVE IT" attitude in the back of my mind, I ordered a salad for lunch.  I walked down to the restaurant with the 1,000 things that are constantly running through my mind and didn't pay attention to the people around me.  I paid for my lunch and walked away, but I could feel someone watching me.  They followed me into the elevator... I thought to myself "there are 6 elevators, why is this FREAK following me!?!"

He went to push the button at the same time as me and comments, "figures". 

I looked at him as if he were from a different planet, rolled my eyes and said "whatever".

He smiled and apologized.  After his apology for barging into my elevator, he told me that he has noticed me many times in the past few years and he has always wondered if I was available.  The first thing he noticed was my ring.  His final comment was something like: "Married, of course you are married."

I smiled, told him thanks for the confidence boost and I hoped he had a great day:)

In any case, I'm feeling MUCH more confident now and hoping the 89X listener tells her sister to SHOVE IT. No matter what size you are, your sister should want you in her wedding!  Today I'm rocking my 10's (sometimes 12's and on good days my lone pair of 8's)!  Realizing it is probably the fact that I'm normally smiling and singing each day as I walk the halls that intrigued this gentlemen to sneak on my elevator in the first place!  More because I walk with confidence and I hold the door for the people in our building and ask the doorman about his day. Less to do with my pant size or my lack of ammunition in the war against ugliness each morning!!! More about my attitude toward life.

I think I'll go back downstairs and get the cookie I wanted so badly!!! Happy day to my fellow size 8 and up followers:)'s your best weapon! The arcade guns might help too:)  Happy Hump Day!

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