I have Christmas socks on today. Not because I am already in the Christmas spirit, but because Cami was sleeping in my bed and I didn't want to turn the lights on and wake her up before I was ready and had lunches packed. My pants are long enough that you can't see them when I'm standing so I went with them even after I noticed they were black...with red and green snowflakes:)
Keegan is less than 2 months from 3 and I'm still not pushing potty training. I don't care if that makes me a bad mom.
I cleaned out the downstairs bathroom cabinet a couple weeks ago for the first time in over a year (CHRISTINA AND GARY WILL TREMBLE WITH DISGUST IF THEY READ THIS). Nobody uses it and I only open it if I need a bandaid. It has been full of my dads personal belongings for over a year and I didn't want to do it. Secretly I was hoping it would magically one day be done when I needed a bandaid. Finally, eleven months later, I did it. I finally threw everything out. I saved the bottle of Obsession cologne and a bottle of after shave.
Ernestos has KILLER margaritas...and the chicken enchilada, salsa and basket of chips I inhaled are not good for my get skinny program!
You never know someones story unless you take the time to hear it! I listened to the cutest little love story I've heard in a long time this weekend:) Makes me want to stear clear of Haunted Houses!
The most well behaved child in my house receives the least amount of attention. It's not fair, but it's true. Lilly is extremely responsible, consistently follows the rules and does exactly as she is told most of the time. Lately she has been playing this card: "I wish I was the youngest so I got to sit next to Mommy!" or "I wish I was the only child so I didn't have to pick up their toys!" and on and on and on. In reality though, she has a point. I expect more out of her with less attention. Last night I decided to cuddle up with her in her bed. She asked me why I was laying with her and I told her because I lay with Cami every morning and I layed with Keegan the night before because he was scared of monsters. She was so excited! The random fact in this rant is that I am consciously trying to spend more one on one time with Lilly!
We watched Home Alone last night. Lilly left the CUTEST message for Uncle Jakie when the movie ended:)
My hair desperately needs Nina, but I need to wait a another week so it's nice and fresh for my friends wedding.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Friday's Friendly Fun
Luke 18:16-17
New International Version (NIV)
16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 17 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
Last weekend we had a few friends over. As one of the little girls was leaving, I told her that I would pick her up for Sunday school if she wanted to come. Jumping up and down she told me that she'd love to come! When I picked her up, her mom asked if we were staying for church. I told her yes, but I'd run her daughter home if she didn't want to stay with us. "No, Mom, I want to stay!"
The older girls went to their Bible study and I went to the preschool class with Camille. Her class was bare due to the Race for the Cure, but Cami and three handsome little boys listened intently to the Bible story. They were all so eager to learn and excited that one (even one that may have had too many adult beverages the night prior) couldn't help but to be inspired. After the lesson the adorable three and four year olds were all able to answer the questions about the lesson. The smiles and yelling from excitement with each answer and every question was motivating.
At Sunday school they are being prompted to ask questions and seek answers. What I was the most surprised with was what happened in church! Growing up I remember sitting in church and wanting nothing to do with the service. I would whisper and pass notes with my friends the entire service.
During the church service, the girls were all very quiet and well behaved, but that’s not the surprising part either! All three girls attended an hour Sunday school where they were expected to praise God and love Jesus. In church all that I expect out of my monsters is to be quiet and not make a scene! I don't care if they pay attention to the readings or the sermons yet, they're too young. Lilly is almost old enough to make her listen to the message, but I think she's grasping quite a bit for her age and while she is loving church and Sunday school, I don't want to test it!
The artwork used in this post was made by the girls during the church service. They weren't being prompted or pressed; I wasn't asking them about what they had learned in Sunday school. Rather than pass notes or draw pictures of soccer balls, they were excited about God! Lilly would show her friend what she wrote and vise versa. Then they would look at each other, give a thumbs up and huge smile to each other.
The genuine love and excitement for God that these sweet girls share is inspiring. Today I pray that all of us can love and trust God as our children do. Allow yourself to feel the excitement, hope and love in His word.
Happy Friday!
Inspire-Believe-Love...like a CHILD!
Matthew 18:3
New International Version (NIV)
3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Mandatory Fun
So, one of my pseudo-cousins was here a while back visiting. I believe she (and her husband) always have a wonderful time when they come to Ohio to visit. However, prior to their visit, her husband was asked by a co-worker or friend "Why in the world are you going to Woodville, Ohio?". His response was "MANDATORY FUN"! I think this is hilarious! Seriously, too funny!
Many of you know that my husband prefers to be at our house, in his comfort zone, whenever possible. He really could care less about attending cookouts, weddings, housewarming parties, church, and performances at the Stranahan Theater...oh, and the list goes on and on really! Please don't take offense if he does not attend something that you host because it's not you...it's him!
Last week we were invited to something, I forget what it was, Aim, and I knew before I even asked him what his answer would be. I politely turned down the invitation and said it wasn't worth using a "we are doing this, or else" card. If I really want to go and he really doesn't I usually go by myself, but my question is:
What types of "mandatory fun" do you make your significant other attend?
How do you decide whether the "mandatory fun" is worth a "we are doing this, or else" card?
Comments welcome:)
Many of you know that my husband prefers to be at our house, in his comfort zone, whenever possible. He really could care less about attending cookouts, weddings, housewarming parties, church, and performances at the Stranahan Theater...oh, and the list goes on and on really! Please don't take offense if he does not attend something that you host because it's not you...it's him!
Last week we were invited to something, I forget what it was, Aim, and I knew before I even asked him what his answer would be. I politely turned down the invitation and said it wasn't worth using a "we are doing this, or else" card. If I really want to go and he really doesn't I usually go by myself, but my question is:
What types of "mandatory fun" do you make your significant other attend?
How do you decide whether the "mandatory fun" is worth a "we are doing this, or else" card?
Comments welcome:)
Monday, September 26, 2011
The only thing in life that is constant...change
I am trying really hard to find positives with the changing of the season this year. The darkest times in my mind correlate with the change from summer to fall. The cold and rain brings me back to difficult days and the sting is painful. In a month my Dad will be gone from this world for a year. The seasons will continue to change. Life will continue to change. The only thing in life that is constant is change.
We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance.
~Harrison Ford
As soon as a baby meets the outside world, they start to transform. They gradually spread out their little arms and legs, open their eyes more frequently and cry out for attention. Some loose hair, some grow hair, some look like Mommy, some look like Daddy. One thing is certain, they are always changing. It doesn’t seem to bother them.
Nothing that is can pause or stay;
The moon will wax, the moon will wane,
The mist and cloud will turn to rain,
The rain to mist and cloud again,
Tomorrow be today.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
To me it seems like children change every second! Their hair grows, they loose teeth, they gain attitude. They are constantly learning and testing the waters. Their attitudes and mannerisms are always changing as they grow. It doesn’t seem to bother them.
"Great changes in the destiny of mankind can be effected only in the minds of little children." - Sir Herbert Read
Once we grow up, change is much more difficult! We get into routines; we enjoy the security of knowing what will happen next. We grow to expect who will complete certain tasks. We rely on certain people to provide emotional support or lend a hand or simply just be there. One day they aren’t and it’s difficult. When we are forced to deal with change it shakes our world.
Those who expect moments of change to be comfortable and free of conflict have not learned their history. ~Joan Wallach Scott
Sometimes moving half way across the country is the best decision for your immediate family. Financially and strategically the move positions you at the most advantageous place in the current work force. Everyone in the family is in complete agreement that the move should and will take place, but that doesn’t make the transition any easier. Family and friends are left behind. People that you were used to seeing daily are now miles and miles away. What is your response to change?
Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed.
~Irene Peter
When a family member passes away it changes the entire dynamic of the family. People assume different roles, fill their spare time with different activities and start a new normal. Sometimes new people fill the void of once familiar characters in the story. As an adult rather than a child, how will you react?
If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies. ~Author Unknown
Imagine working all of your life to get to a point of financial stability. Anxiously you count down the years until you are able to retire. You dream of vacations, visiting your grandchildren and relaxing on your patio. Within a few short months you have full custody of your grandchild because one parent isn’t able to care for the child and the other decides life on earth is too difficult. Pretty big change, how would you react?
The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind. ~William Blake
What if you were 18, had the whole world in front of you, planned to attend a prestigous military school...until you collapsed on the lacross field and were diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure. How would you handle the change of being on the waiting list for a heart transplant? for a little backgroud click here How would you deal with the changes after your heart transplant? In constant fear of rejection and infection or would you continue to tell people "Life is Good!"? Over two years post heart transplant, this young man is dealing with rejection and infection, but still trying to protect his family and friends from how bad the change really is. Would you be as graceful in your response to such change?
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.
What makes change so much easier for babies and small children? Is it their lack of fear of change? Perhaps it is because they are more sheltered from the bad changes than adults. Is it because they have complete faith in the support network provided by their family? Maybe it’s because the outlook of children is much more positive and uplifting than that of most adults.
Everyone deals with change, but the way each person deals with it is completely different. As I deal with change, I have decided to give the quote below my heart and best effort. Physical changes are hard enough. Have you ever tried to loose weight or maybe you drastically changed your hair color, it’s difficult. Changes on the inside are even more difficult than the changes on the outside, but so far the changes on the inside have been worth it.
This is your life, don’t close your eyes.
Romans 12:2
New International Version (NIV)
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
PS: I was totally "poor me-ing" this weekend thinking about how things change...until I thought about some of the other people I know that are dealing with much bigger changes than me! Today I am trying to focus on the positive changes. Oscar, an absolutely wonderful and amazing change went to church for the first time. Very soon I'll get to see pictures of Cooper (taken by Rachel Vanoven so they will be absolutely 100% adorable, no doubt)! And other gleeful changes to come, too!
Prayers to the Coy family, the sweet girl and her grandparents and everyone else having a rough time with change.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Friday's Friendly Fun
I'm going to TRY to post something friendly and/or fun every Friday. Sometimes it will be a story, maybe a poem, a quote or simply a picture.
I wrote this for a friend a while back that was having an emotional day. Most parents have or will feel like this at some point because with the busy schedules we all have, sometimes that bonding time can get lost in: "Hurry up and eat, we have to get to the soccer game!" or "Seriously, I don't care if you can't find Mommy Dinosaur-I'm going to be late to work!!"
Dear busy parents,
If you weren’t rushing around to get here, here and here would you love your kids more?
If you didn’t put on your big girl pants and heels or your work boots and uniform every morning would you be able to provide the lifestyle your kids deserve?
If they didn’t feel so loved that they think of their babysitters as family, wouldn’t that make you sad?
Do you think they will be thankful once they are old enough to realize all the sacrifices that you make for them?
Do you take every opportunity to tell them that you love them and are proud of them?
If you didn’t have a special bond with your children do you think they would miss spending time with you?
When you are feeling disconnected from your kids or they try to put a guilt trip on you, remember these questions. Someday they will realize, like we all did, that their mother’s and father's did everything in their power to mold, shape and raise successful, loving, respectful children.
When you are exhausted, physically and emotionally, zip your big people pants back up and take an extra minute when you tuck them in to tell them how special they are to you:) They will feel it!
Be silly and giggle today! Happy Friday!
I wrote this for a friend a while back that was having an emotional day. Most parents have or will feel like this at some point because with the busy schedules we all have, sometimes that bonding time can get lost in: "Hurry up and eat, we have to get to the soccer game!" or "Seriously, I don't care if you can't find Mommy Dinosaur-I'm going to be late to work!!"
Dear busy parents,
If you weren’t rushing around to get here, here and here would you love your kids more?
If you didn’t put on your big girl pants and heels or your work boots and uniform every morning would you be able to provide the lifestyle your kids deserve?
If they didn’t feel so loved that they think of their babysitters as family, wouldn’t that make you sad?
Do you think they will be thankful once they are old enough to realize all the sacrifices that you make for them?
Do you take every opportunity to tell them that you love them and are proud of them?
If you didn’t have a special bond with your children do you think they would miss spending time with you?
When you are feeling disconnected from your kids or they try to put a guilt trip on you, remember these questions. Someday they will realize, like we all did, that their mother’s and father's did everything in their power to mold, shape and raise successful, loving, respectful children.
When you are exhausted, physically and emotionally, zip your big people pants back up and take an extra minute when you tuck them in to tell them how special they are to you:) They will feel it!
Be silly and giggle today! Happy Friday!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Random Facts #1
A friend recently started a blog and I love it. I wish I would be as motivated as her when I pack the kids lunch, but that's besides the point;) She's funny, down to earth and gorgeous, not cute;) You can follow her blog hereThe Magnone Blog . Anyways, I read her random facts and loved it, so here are some of mine!
I HATE 99.9% of Aaron's shoes. I don't care that they are biodegradable. I don't care that they are made from recycled material! I am all for his inner-hippie mentality, but come on! He wears these things EVERYWHERE! This is the closest I could find since he has an older model. He reminds me that they are supposed to last 20 (TWENTY) years!AWESOME! Last year he dressed up as Richard Simmons. Our friends asked him where he found shoes to match his costume. IN HIS CLOSET!!! They were his prize possession merely two years prior to using them in his costume. Hate his shoes, but I have learned that if I tell him that I don't like something he wears it more, so I deal with it. I bought him two pairs of shoes last night...he is returning BOTH of them. Lovely.
I have a closet full of scrapbook stuff that does not ever get used anymore. It makes me sad that I don't make time to do it, but I have come to grips with the fact that I will NEVER get caught up. I'm thinking I'm going to do one nice scrapbook for each child's first year, then do the shutterfly or snapfish ones for the rest.
I hate to shave my legs!
I sweat even when it's freezing cold out. Yes, I've tried Mitchem and other deoderants claiming to help the underarm moisture problems...they don't help me.
I would love to get my mommy pouch taken off, but Aaron "loves me the way I am"...throw up in my mouth!! The extra skin is gross and annoying and I wish it would disappear. He tells me to save my own money-I just might start!
Unless I have a client meeting or Nina just did my hair, I go to work every morning with wet hair and when it dries I put it in a pony tail or braid. I do not understand how women have time in their day to actually make themselves look pretty every day! Or I just don't care enough to try!
I LOVE to have people over. I'm thinking about donating a dinner party for 8 to the raffle. Do you think anyone other than my friends will bid on it? It doesn't matter if it's my friends, Lilly's, Camille's or Keegan's, I just LOVE to have people over! I even like it when Aaron's friends come over to watch football...most of the time! Keegan had his first boy play date this weekend and once the usual suspects showed up we had 12 little monsters playing all over the yard and house. As I put each little goblin on the trampoline, I snuck a kiss. Watching them all giggle and play makes me so happy inside.
That's it for today. This was fun, but should have been sleeping instead of babbling bright and early this morning. I'll probably do another random facts:)
I HATE 99.9% of Aaron's shoes. I don't care that they are biodegradable. I don't care that they are made from recycled material! I am all for his inner-hippie mentality, but come on! He wears these things EVERYWHERE! This is the closest I could find since he has an older model. He reminds me that they are supposed to last 20 (TWENTY) years!
I have a closet full of scrapbook stuff that does not ever get used anymore. It makes me sad that I don't make time to do it, but I have come to grips with the fact that I will NEVER get caught up. I'm thinking I'm going to do one nice scrapbook for each child's first year, then do the shutterfly or snapfish ones for the rest.
I hate to shave my legs!
I sweat even when it's freezing cold out. Yes, I've tried Mitchem and other deoderants claiming to help the underarm moisture problems...they don't help me.
I would love to get my mommy pouch taken off, but Aaron "loves me the way I am"...throw up in my mouth!! The extra skin is gross and annoying and I wish it would disappear. He tells me to save my own money-I just might start!
Unless I have a client meeting or Nina just did my hair, I go to work every morning with wet hair and when it dries I put it in a pony tail or braid. I do not understand how women have time in their day to actually make themselves look pretty every day! Or I just don't care enough to try!
I LOVE to have people over. I'm thinking about donating a dinner party for 8 to the raffle. Do you think anyone other than my friends will bid on it? It doesn't matter if it's my friends, Lilly's, Camille's or Keegan's, I just LOVE to have people over! I even like it when Aaron's friends come over to watch football...most of the time! Keegan had his first boy play date this weekend and once the usual suspects showed up we had 12 little monsters playing all over the yard and house. As I put each little goblin on the trampoline, I snuck a kiss. Watching them all giggle and play makes me so happy inside.
That's it for today. This was fun, but should have been sleeping instead of babbling bright and early this morning. I'll probably do another random facts:)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
First attempt at a Sunday Message-FAIL!
My first attempt at a Sunday morning message=fail. Good attempt, but fail:) My message next month will be much more like the writing people are used to, but I had fun with this message, so here it is anyways:)
“Life’s Rules”
When Pastor Jen asked me to share a message about this scripture, she suggested many different approaches to this reading, but no matter what avenue I chose, she stressed that the message should be from my heart. As I read the scripture my first thought was to go with “how do I give to God?” or maybe “what legacy will you leave?”, but then I thought about the things closest to my heart. Since I hold my children closest to my heart I thought about how I could explain this passage to my children. It is amazing what you can learn when you think about how to teach your children!
Why do I have to be quiet at the library and wear my seatbelt in the car?
Rules Rules Rules!! Like I shared with the children earlier, there are rules everywhere: at school, at the library, driving in the car. It isn’t any different when you are an adult. We are still expected to follow all of the rules and the laws that we have been taught throughout life. You are expected to pay the speeding ticket even if the majority of the time you don’t speed. You have to pay a penalty if you file your taxes late one year even though you have paid them timely the fifty years prior.
Why do we abide by laws, pay taxes or obey the speed limit? Consequences. It is common knowledge that a fine will be owed, a higher premium will follow a speeding ticket and if you commit more severe infractions that you may even spend some time in prison. You will be held accountable if you are found guilty of breaking a law.
Why shouldn’t I make fun of the girl that has holes in her jeans? Why should I forgive them? They were the ones being mean! Why do we pray every night? Why do we have to go visit Grandma instead of going to the park?
Rules Rules Rules!! But a different, more difficult to follow set of rules.
In this passage Jesus is asked a trick question: What rules does he follow? Does he follow God’s rules or people’s rules? His response is simple “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”
We know man’s rules because they are written into laws, they are enforced and we have immediate consequences when we break them, but what about God’s rules? In the Bible God gives us many rules to live by, for example: Luke 6:37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” He gives us the Ten Commandments. He tells us to love God with all of our heart. Many of God’s rules are simple and easy to follow, yet often we choose not to follow them. Why?
Is it because while we are in our earthly bodies nobody is here to hold us accountable for judging our neighbor? Perhaps it’s because we will not owe a fine if we condemn our brothers and sisters because they are different? We certainly will not be thrown in jail for failing to love God with our whole hearts! Could it be because it just takes too much love and hope to forgive someone when they have wronged you? Is it simply easier to follow man’s law because it takes less work? Maybe it’s because God’s law is harder to uphold and follow each and every day. Perhaps it is because besides God, you are the only one that can truly know if you are abiding by His rules.
I suppose my first idea for the message: “How do I give to God?” could be answered with rules, too! One way you can give to God is to consistently follow His rules. Many times we seek answers to the adult never-ending why’s only when we are feeling depressed and abandoned by God. We turn to God when we need prayers, when we’re confused, when we’re scared. Maybe we even change the way we live for a while. When we need God’s rules to apply to our life, we remember to forgive freely and love boldly. We are consistent and obedient followers of Christ when we need His love and grace, but when we are on more steady ground, more capable of walking on our own, we often forget to follow the rules as closely.
Sometimes obeying all of God’s rules is difficult. It might seem like they are too hard to follow or that the expectations are too high, but if you break down the problem and pretend you are going to teach the rules to a child, you might be able to grasp the difficult rules and understand that the expectations aren’t too high, you just need to try harder!
Some of the answers to the never-ending whys are obviously man’s rules, some are obviously God’s rules, but some are both. Every day we must follow the rules set by man, but we should give even greater effort to follow the rules set by God. The challenging part for me is not remembering the rules or even classifying them into man’s or God’s rules, but how to follow them consistently and without fail in both times of trial and in triumph.
Pay your taxes to the government, but remember to give to God what is God’s. Give Him your love, open up your heart and let Him in, give freely of your forgiveness; use your ability to follow His rules each and every day. Not because you are scared of the consequences. Not because you fear what might happen to you if you don’t strive to follow his rules each day. Instead, struggle each day to follow the rules out of gratitude and love for God’s Grace. Be thankful that even if we bend a rule and even if we break a rule because of God’s Grace, we are forgiven. It is not because of our good deeds or because we follow the rules that we are saved, but because of His Grace. Only by the Grace of God are saved from our sin. If you’re having trouble following the rules, break them down as if you were explaining them to a child.
[Oh and my first ending was MUCH more harsh than this...like Solomon-y harsh:)]
“Life’s Rules”
When Pastor Jen asked me to share a message about this scripture, she suggested many different approaches to this reading, but no matter what avenue I chose, she stressed that the message should be from my heart. As I read the scripture my first thought was to go with “how do I give to God?” or maybe “what legacy will you leave?”, but then I thought about the things closest to my heart. Since I hold my children closest to my heart I thought about how I could explain this passage to my children. It is amazing what you can learn when you think about how to teach your children!
Why do I have to be quiet at the library and wear my seatbelt in the car?
Rules Rules Rules!! Like I shared with the children earlier, there are rules everywhere: at school, at the library, driving in the car. It isn’t any different when you are an adult. We are still expected to follow all of the rules and the laws that we have been taught throughout life. You are expected to pay the speeding ticket even if the majority of the time you don’t speed. You have to pay a penalty if you file your taxes late one year even though you have paid them timely the fifty years prior.
Why do we abide by laws, pay taxes or obey the speed limit? Consequences. It is common knowledge that a fine will be owed, a higher premium will follow a speeding ticket and if you commit more severe infractions that you may even spend some time in prison. You will be held accountable if you are found guilty of breaking a law.
Why shouldn’t I make fun of the girl that has holes in her jeans? Why should I forgive them? They were the ones being mean! Why do we pray every night? Why do we have to go visit Grandma instead of going to the park?
Rules Rules Rules!! But a different, more difficult to follow set of rules.
In this passage Jesus is asked a trick question: What rules does he follow? Does he follow God’s rules or people’s rules? His response is simple “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”
We know man’s rules because they are written into laws, they are enforced and we have immediate consequences when we break them, but what about God’s rules? In the Bible God gives us many rules to live by, for example: Luke 6:37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” He gives us the Ten Commandments. He tells us to love God with all of our heart. Many of God’s rules are simple and easy to follow, yet often we choose not to follow them. Why?
Is it because while we are in our earthly bodies nobody is here to hold us accountable for judging our neighbor? Perhaps it’s because we will not owe a fine if we condemn our brothers and sisters because they are different? We certainly will not be thrown in jail for failing to love God with our whole hearts! Could it be because it just takes too much love and hope to forgive someone when they have wronged you? Is it simply easier to follow man’s law because it takes less work? Maybe it’s because God’s law is harder to uphold and follow each and every day. Perhaps it is because besides God, you are the only one that can truly know if you are abiding by His rules.
I suppose my first idea for the message: “How do I give to God?” could be answered with rules, too! One way you can give to God is to consistently follow His rules. Many times we seek answers to the adult never-ending why’s only when we are feeling depressed and abandoned by God. We turn to God when we need prayers, when we’re confused, when we’re scared. Maybe we even change the way we live for a while. When we need God’s rules to apply to our life, we remember to forgive freely and love boldly. We are consistent and obedient followers of Christ when we need His love and grace, but when we are on more steady ground, more capable of walking on our own, we often forget to follow the rules as closely.
Sometimes obeying all of God’s rules is difficult. It might seem like they are too hard to follow or that the expectations are too high, but if you break down the problem and pretend you are going to teach the rules to a child, you might be able to grasp the difficult rules and understand that the expectations aren’t too high, you just need to try harder!
Some of the answers to the never-ending whys are obviously man’s rules, some are obviously God’s rules, but some are both. Every day we must follow the rules set by man, but we should give even greater effort to follow the rules set by God. The challenging part for me is not remembering the rules or even classifying them into man’s or God’s rules, but how to follow them consistently and without fail in both times of trial and in triumph.
Pay your taxes to the government, but remember to give to God what is God’s. Give Him your love, open up your heart and let Him in, give freely of your forgiveness; use your ability to follow His rules each and every day. Not because you are scared of the consequences. Not because you fear what might happen to you if you don’t strive to follow his rules each day. Instead, struggle each day to follow the rules out of gratitude and love for God’s Grace. Be thankful that even if we bend a rule and even if we break a rule because of God’s Grace, we are forgiven. It is not because of our good deeds or because we follow the rules that we are saved, but because of His Grace. Only by the Grace of God are saved from our sin. If you’re having trouble following the rules, break them down as if you were explaining them to a child.
[Oh and my first ending was MUCH more harsh than this...like Solomon-y harsh:)]
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