Thursday, January 23, 2014

It's ok to be selfish

Sadly, I've been seeking out articles that are calling action against "the busy".  As if I need justification of/for my need to be still?  Last year I made a resolution to have a stay at home weekend each month.  Admittedly, I had to write, in my beautiful planner, "STAY AT HOME! DO NOT SCHEDULE!" each month to remind myself of the need to be still.  I have issues with "the busy" and I understand my need set boundaries or every second of every day will be full of activity.

Yet, I'm also a people pleaser.  Even when one of my best friends, that I talk to all the time and see frequently invites us over, I feel bad saying no.  I shouldn't.  I understand that I shouldn't, but I still do.  I feel like if they/their kids want to enjoy time together, I should make time.  But sometimes I'm too tired or there is too much work to do at home or I just don't want to be social...I know, the last part VERY rarely happens;)

Worse than feeling guilty that I turned down an invitation is when I do finally say no but then feel left out. We put the kids to bed and relax, but I check Facebook or Instagram. I yearned for this relaxing downtime, but when I see pictures of everyone having fun,  I feel a twinge of "missing out".

There is no winning the game inside of my head on some days. I've thought about how to maneuver and manipulate the game pieces.   One of the solutions is less social media time.  I'm not going to give it up for lent this year, but I am going to give up busy.  So that I don't feel left out, I'm going to limit my social media time to once a day for 15 minutes or less each day.

And do more of this:

My time is valuable and it's ok to be selfish sometimes.  Finding the new balance now that Aaron's on day shift will take some work, patience and time to adjust.

Family-church-friends-work-life balance: A constant struggle.

Find yours.  Be selfish.


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