Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cancer Sucks #2860321865

Side effects suck.  Getting treatment sucks.  No hair sucks.

But this week what sucks the most is not being able to cuddle my sick baby.  Lilly stayed the night at a friends house Sunday night.  She started feeling ill Monday during my workday.  Since my numbers are borderline, she's on quarantine.  I simply can't afford to catch it right now so my mini-me is suffering and all that she wants is her momma.

Watching her want/need me is terrible.  It tears at every last string that is holding my broken heart together right now.

She was crying out in pain on day two of being sick and I asked her what I could get for her.  She responded with tears in her eyes that all she wanted was for me to cuddle her. Heart breaking.

I asked her if she wanted Mimi instead and she agreed.  My mom came over and babied her, but in the middle of my mom casting a spell to make her feel better, she said it's just not the same as mommy.  And I was forced to sit and watch her need her Mommy.

As most parents understand, your children need you less and less as they age.  It's part of growing up.  Lilly is mature for her age in many ways (she still loves to play and sing and dance, but if she continues to act like her mother, that won't change even with age).  She doesn't demand my attention often.  She takes her cuddle time when she can and rarely complains that my lap is usually occupied by her brother and/or sister.  So when she really needed me and I couldn't hold her, it was awful.

After wanting to hug her up and kiss her sweet cheeks all week, she is finally better today and I can not WAIT to get home and love her up.  I hope someday she will understand how hard it was to see her in pain and not be able to hold her.

Cancer sucks.

Hold your babies tight. Always.

I'm leaving work early to get more cuddles in.  I have a whole week to make up for.

Anxiously waiting to have her in my loving arms,

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