Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Jenni's Challenge...Day 1

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts

If you want to join the 30 day blog challenge check out my friends blog here! If you don't have a blog, you can write a note on FB each day if you want to play!

Laura Leigh Runion Strong. Grew up in Woodville, Ohio. Went to BG and swore off living in Woodville forever. Got married, had three kids and will probably live in Woodville forever.

I am in the blue shirt with my favorite leaf earrings handmade by one of my friends:)

15 interesting facts...
1. I love the rockoplanes, elephant ears and the beer tent at the annual carnival... and I don't care if people think that's strange:)
2. Lily is my favorite flower and Lilly is the name of my first born child...yep, even when I try to hide my hippy-like roots I can't help it...daughter named after a flower...works well with the peace signs, leaf jewelry and other 70's things that are popular these days.
3. I LOVE to have parties...big, small and everything in between.
4. Growing up a rotating fan caught fire in my bedroom. My brother and I both slept through the fire alarm sounding in the hallway between us in the upstairs of our house. Luckily my mom heard it from the basement, woke us up and safely put out the fire. Camille uses the dresser with the burn mark on it.
5. I hate cancer, CF and MS...I love to raise money for charity.
6. I like to give presents, but hate shopping.
7. Often I wish I could build a time machine. The day I would go back to changes with my mood.
8. Being a caretaker for a dying loved one is both the hardest and most rewarding titles that can be used to describe me so far in life. I miss changing the sheets to my dad’s bed almost every time I enter the computer room.
9. I was voted the Most Valuable Soprano in HS choir...my kids fight over who gets to keep the trophy in their room. My choir teacher taught me life lessons at a young age...she continues to reinforce the lessons she taught me to this day and doesn't know she's doing it.
10. I follow quite a few blogs, but do not pay any attention to the news, politics or celebrity gossip.
11. I hate mating socks and cooking.
12. I like to scrapbook, but don't have time anymore due to children, work, life. I have a closet full of supplies that stares at me and yells like the toys in Toy Story to get them out! Someday, fun, cute, supplies, someday.
13. I usually blog when I'm in a sad mood...I'm not very good at happy posts.
14. My planner is color coded.
15. My children can make me smile on my worst days and cry on my best.

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