Monday, December 20, 2010

As You Wish

"This is true love, do you think this happens every day?" True love only seems to happen in the story books or movies in this day in age. With nearly 50% of marriages ending in divorce, we don't often hear stories of true love. Even more seldom are we able to witness the "fairy tale" romance or true wedded bliss. Free of pretense behind closed doors and sadness under the smiles.

Saturday night my children picked to watch "The Princess Bride" for movie night. This movie is a long time favorite of Uncle Jake and Aunt Leah. It is probably the movie that I have watched the most times in my life. Already it is one of Lilly's favorites! It is a story of a poor farm boy that worked for a young maiden, giving her everything she desired, always knowing that he loved her. The story continued and their love was tested time and time again, but in the end true love prevailed. Why are we so attracted to stories of true love? Does it really only happen in story books? As we were watching the movie I couldn't help but to think of the fairy tale romance that would soon be reunited.

At play practice the morning before our movie night, I was talking to a friend about the Harmans. I did not know this couple personally, but from the stories and pictures I have heard and seen they were one of these fairy tale couples. The couple was married for what to them I can only imagine seemed like their entire lives. They lived a long and fulfilling life together. As my friend was telling me how Bob had passed a couple days ago and now his dear wife was in the exact same Hospice room awaiting her call home, I felt happy.

I am not happy for their children or grandchildren. Having to loose not one, but BOTH of their loved ones so close together and especially at Christmas time. I am not happy to think about the emotions that they must be feeling deep in their heart. The sadness so new and breath taking. I am not happy for that. I hope they can all take comfort knowing that their dear loved ones are together and their fairy tale did not end here, but will last forever.

Yet, I was happy for Bob and Louise, the fairy tale couple that I did not know. Only three days after her husband was called home, Louise followed him there. Leaving her earthly body in the same place, same room as the love of her life had left his earthly body. She followed her husband, taking the hand of God, because "death cannot stop true love." She didn't want to fight disease or infection without her soul mate.

Although I feel extreme empathy and sadness for their family, I want their story and legacy to be known. Mostly because stories of true love aren't told anymore. The gossip magazines never tell of a marriage that is loving and lasting, but instead focus on the divorces and affairs. I want it to be known because I hope that I get to grow old with Aaron, watch our children and grandchildren grow into loving adults (thank you again Keri for the blanket and support)like the Harmans were able to do. I want it to be known so that people that are thinking of throwing in the towel give it one more chance. That they will try to remember when they were so in love and get back to that place. So that someone else can tell another story of true love, the kind of fairy tale love that we rarely hear of anymore. That sometimes there are happy endings. "True love! You heard him! You could not ask for a more noble cause than that!"

As you remember this fairy tale couple, whether you knew them or not, please pray for their family left here on this side, forced to celebrate this Christmas without them. Keep the Harmans, Cunninghams, Pastor Jens and all of the other families that have lost their loved ones this week in your prayers. Help them remember "Christ claimed victory over death and showed us that God’s love extends beyond the grave. When our bodies weaken, when our hearts slow, our souls live on still. And while we mourn the loss of a loved one here in our midst, we celebrate because we know that they are with God."

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