Thursday, November 6, 2014



For goodness sake
Oh my golly-gee
Circus would describe my brain
Understanding the random thoughts is impossible
Seriously, need to FOCUS!!

So, as you prepare for a surgery, it's kind of like nesting.  You think of everything you would normally do in a month and cram it into a weeks time.  Ok, this might not be how NORMAL people prepare, but it's the way I do.

This week is crazy-busy because of it, so OF COURSE life happens.

Tonight, after the job I get paid for, I picked up monster #1 from extra curricular activity #5,396,391.  On the way, I received a call from my overly exhausted (#@(%$)&@# swing shit) husband: "Keegan just stepped on a nail and it went through his shoe into his foot."

WONDERFUL, he's covered, he has a tetanus vaccine recently, how bad is it?  Ok, he'll live?  Move on.

Hop in #1, we have to run errands.  Stop to drop off softball equipment that SHOULD have been turned in, ohhhhhhh 4 months ago.  (That was moved to the attic, ohhhhhh, two days ago.  After Aaron worked all night I stopped him in the garage, uuuhhhhh, honey, I need that equipment down.  Yes, right now.  Yes, I know you JUST put it up there.  Yes, I will get the same equipment back next spring:))

Ok, now we are going to get Papa's truck and get some hand-me-down furniture for Camille's room.  Yes, Uncle Paul, a skirt and dress shoes are currently approved as proper furniture moving clothes.  No, I will not speed in your awesome truck.  What?  No, I didn't know it had a Hemi...see ya later!! We'll be back when the tank is empty:)

*** Super big thanks to the Drossel family for the awesome desk and hutch and to Gary Thatcher for helping me unload:)

Ring, ring: What, Camille doesn't feel well?  Ok, well let's just eat at home then.  I'll be home after I drop off Uncle Paul's truck.

What's the matter, honey?  Ok, well, eat some dinner and then go lay down with Daddy.  Hopefully you just need some rest.

Keegan, sweet boy, it's Nov. 5th, we do NOT have to have the entire reading log completed!! FINE, one more book.

Oh, my gosh, you have GOT to be kidding me!! Keegs, honey, I think Bruce went to heaven. 

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. COMPLETE BREAKDOWN.  I don't want Bruce to go to heaven. He's my fishy. How am I going to live without him?  I'm going to miss him so much.  SOBBING for 45 minutes until I FINALLY got him to sleep. 

Oh, that laundry and dishes that needed done?  Not happening.  I'll try again tomorrow!! 

So, if I seem A LITTLE preoccupied when you run into me this week, it's because I'm mentally making lists of the things that need done before I have surgery.  Slightly overwhelmed;)


Yes, this is a planned surgery.  Nothing new is going on with my young body other than I was FINALLY toning my flab and able to workout. SOOOOOOOOOO, of course it's time for another surgery!!

I'm having my tissue expanders (the things they put in to allow foob expansion over time) taken out and replaced with more permanent implants. A couple of my warrior friends joined me for the final foob pump up and surgery pep talk. * Ok, it was more  Laura yelling at doctor for not doing the surgery he went to school for the way she wanted talk, but you know, ya win some, ya lose some.* Thanks so much for joining me, Rhiannon and Heidi!  Great conversations and new friendships...a couple of my favorite things:)

Anyways, it's an outpatient surgery, so it will be less invasive that the first surgery.  I'm not nervous or scared for the pain, just pissed that I have to start this recovery period baloney over again!!!

Ok, I have to FOCUS on SLEEP so I can get more accomplished tomorrow!!

Surgery nesting isn't as fun as baby nesting, but I guess Aaron gets a new toy to play with.  They claim the new foobs will feel much more real than the rock-like expanders that I have now;)

Just in case you wondered what happens when you leave your phone unattended OR if the Foob talk wasn't enough for you today, here is a nipple picture for your viewing pleasure:)

No, when I had nips, they were NOT this hairy!! :)


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