Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Faith Journal...Join me!

I went to a retreat last summer with some AMAZING women.  The event was called the "Ripple Retreat".

"A ripple effect is a situation where, like the ever expanding ripples across water when an object is dropped into it, an effect from an initial state can be followed outwards incrementally." [Wikipedia]
Using the ripple effect to share God's word, we can reach so many more people!!

Anyways, I went to this event with a couple friends and met a few new friends.  The few new friends had already heard a little of my story and had been praying for me daily.  It was an honor to meet them and it was an experience I will never forget.

Kristin, Kristen, and Maegan probably didn't realize at the time that the retreat was exactly what I needed.  I got to spend an entire day with Jen, who I missed/miss seeing regularly.  I was able to be surrounded by so much love.  I had the opportunity to be prayed over and for by a gifted woman of faith. 

I talked a little bit about the event to friends and family, but I probably didn't use my ability to create waves the way I can when I allow Him to use me.

Until Recently!!

When I thought of activities that I wanted to do with the high school youth group, one of the first ideas I had was a Faith Journal!! I remember looking at Kristin's and thinking how neat it was.  I SHOULD have started one then!!

Anyways, I'm going to use my ability to make waves now.  I'm inviting you all to join me in creating your own Faith Journal.  I am using many of Kristin's ideas that she so kindly sent to me...(Ok, I love her.  She's so freaking adorable.  You can follow her blog (that is AMAZING) here: http://www.lilyandlight.com/)

If you want to follow along with the youth group, I'll post the things we are adding to our faith journals on the blog. *I probably will not post all of the blogs to facebook, so bookmark the page, or sign up for email notifications of the blog posts if you are interested in following along.*

The first week we made a pocket in the front of our faith journals for "keepers" as Kristin called them. We didn't put a title on ours, but I told the youth that would would put special, encouraging notes in them.  WUMC members, please feel free to write "keepers" for the youth.  I used to save all of my "keepers" in my Bible and love to look at them periodically.  I'm hoping to do the same for the youth.

Next, we selected two words: Alone and Joyful.

I asked the youth to look up at least one verse that has/will help them get through a period of their life when they are feeling alone and one that they enjoy reading when they are feeling joyful.  When we meet again, we will discuss the scriptures that we selected and add to our own faith journal.

Personally, I have decided to do the exercise on the left side of my faith journal and encourage you all to do the same.  Every night I will pick one of the youth (and/or a friend of mine) that I am praying for in relation to the word/scripture we are focusing on (alone this week, joyful next week).  I am writing a quote or personal note to them that relates to their life or something that they shared during our time together.  I am writing it twice. Once on a piece of paper to give to them and once in my faith journal.  This way, I'm concentrating on them twice as long AND I can pray for them again any time I turn to this page of my faith journal.  When I see them next, I will give them their copy.

I am LOVING this project so far.  It forces me to find scripture. It forces me to stay focused long enough to pray for one of His children.

Join me!


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