Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

 I helped Cam make her box for Valentines day.  I told Keegs to ask Dad for help so they could make it more rough and tough, more boyish.

 Amused, loving, awesome, supportive wife: Ummmm, honey, you need to make the hole bigger!  Do you need me to help you make the hole bigger?

Bearded Man (with eye roll): Why? It's just for valentines, right?  How big does it need to be??

Cami: It needs to be longer AND wider, daddy.  People send treats and stuff, too.

(I must admit, I was laying on the couch doing NOTHING other than read on this particular night, so the BM was probably highly irritated with my lack of motivation and ready to strangle me at any minute.)

Amused, loving, awesome, supportive wife: You need to do more than just make the top white, sweetheart.  Draw the batman signal or something!

Bearded Man: I thought this was Keegan's project?

Amused, loving, awesome, supportive wife: Keegan's FAMILY project.  I do most of his FAMILY projects for with him.  You got this.  You can do it, honey.

Bearded Man: This is stupid.  I don't even believe in celebrating Valentine's Day!!

Amused, loving, awesome, supportive wife: You have three living creatures that would suggest otherwise!

BAHAHAHA.  I love Valentine's day!! Even more now that there is zero chance of an additional monster;)  (March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, NOVEMBER=9...Three monsters born in November;))

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