Monday, April 15, 2013

Stupid, Annoying Worry

Normally I'm not a huge fan of worry.  It doesn't do any good.  It doesn't change anything in the end. Really, I think it's kind of stupid and annoying!

But sometimes you can't help it...

A couple of weeks ago I woke up from a dead sleep and had the urge to check my breast.  No, this is not common for me and no, I wasn't having a (hmmmm, what should I call it?) "fun" dream.  I woke up and felt a lump.  One of those scary, "What the EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!" lumps. So, I attempted to go back to sleep.

I woke up in the morning, not feeling very rested, but hopeful nonetheless.  "Maybe it was a bad dream?"  "I'm sure it's nothing." "I'm sure everything is fine."  You know, attempted to convince myself that I am cray cray (I am certifiably cray cray, but you know what I mean.  I was trying to convince myself that it wasn't a lump and I most certainly didn't have any enlarged lymph nodes (I do)).

My loving husband returned after a 12 hour shift and I had him feel me the living room...Like "Aaron, seriously, feel this right now.  Am I cray cray?  What the EFF is this?!  And feel these!!  What the EFF!!??"  Not, "Hey, want me to join you for a shower?" feel me up.

But, he wouldn't tell me that I'm cray cray.  He said I should most certainly call the doctor Monday morning because I don't generally overreact about "me" things.  Like, I've really only gone to the doctor for anything other than well visits when my leg looked like Andre the Freaking Giant, so I need to call when the office opens.

So, I called when the office opened and they couldn't get me in until Friday.  FREAKING FRIDAY!! As I was calling to make the appointment an email from my friend Julie popped up on my screen. She dreamed about me last night and wants to have lunch soon. On any other day or from most other people this wouldn't have induced an anxiety attack, but Julie is a breast cancer survivor. Julie is a friend that I used to talk to daily, but due to our busy schedules these days we rarely get to chat. WHY is she emailing me today? Why is she dreaming about me!? I had to talk myself out of having a panic attack.  EFFF!

I waited all week and felt the lump and my enlarged lymph nodes and WORRIED. And pretended like everything was fine and dandy, but I worried.  I attended all of my meetings, went to work all week and somehow managed not to curl up in a ball and shut down.  I told my husband and mother that I did not need them to accompany me to the appointment.  I can handle getting felt up alone!  (And I knew she wouldn't tell me anything bad.  I was HOPING she'd tell me I was cray cray and everything was fine). 

But, she didn't.  She felt the lump.  She felt the lymph nodes.  I'm cray cray, but I wasn't imagining anything.  Well...EFF.


Then I coached myself: "Ok, I have age on my side.  She just wants it checked out.  A diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound can't be that bad.  I'm sure it's nothing. "

Then my fear took over: "But, 1 in 8 women get breast cancer.  Cancer is prevalent in my family.  We are already having a shitastic month.  31 is young, but Heidi was younger!"

Next, I tried to concentrate on all of the activities that are going on in the next month or so.   I wrote in my planner, I bought some new clothes, I ate a box of Samoa cookies.  (Yes, the WHOLE EFFING BOX...IN A DAY!) Everything I normally do to stop the anxiety.  I pushed all of the thoughts out of my mind and tried not think of the "what if". 

I still have 6 more days to worry before the day of testing.  I'm still functioning.  I'm still working, but the concentration isn't what it should be.  I'm still standing on the soccer field and corralling the little monsters as we attempt to teach skills to very young, wild children, but my mind is wandering.  I'm trying to keep it all together, but the aching in my shoulders is very heavy.  I can feel it pushing down in anticipation of the appointment.  The anxiety of a possible rotten diagnosis.

I know how quickly life can change.  I have taken life for granted far too many times.   I've selfishly hurried the bedtime story in exchange for some alone time.  I've ignored the phone when I should have picked it up.  "In a minute" has turned into not at all. I continue to assume that all of my loved ones know just that: that I love them more than the words I can put together on a piece of paper.

And it's overwhelming and heavy and that stupid, annoying worry is there even when I fight it.

Keegan's been reminding me the last couple weeks, too.  "Mommy, would Mimi be our Mommy if you die?"

So, I worry and then I pray.  I pray and then I worry.  I take longer showers to rinse away the "what if" tears and promise to stop taking the days for granted.  I worry and I pray.

Stupid, annoying worry.


Philippians 4:6

New International Version (NIV)
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

We tried to fight the worry with a retreat to my uncle's trailer...either way it was good to see my baby brother and Lainer even if the worry was still present.  Daddy was off and able to join us too, but I didn't snap any photos of him:(



Friday, April 5, 2013

Enough is enough

I have a blog in draft form that may/may not ever reach publish post status.  It's about worry and anxiety.  I wrote it yesterday when I thought I might have to check myself into the part of the hospital with rubber rooms.

And then I went home and rushed the kids to soccer practice. * Great, soccer practice!  I'm such a good parent for coaching a soccer team.  I certainly don't want to shoot laser beams out of my eyes at the person that volunteered me for another freaking activity. Really, I was thinking: GRRRRRRR...when am I going to fit in working out when I'm at the stupid soccer field every freaking night?  I don't know how to run a soccer practice!  I don't know anything about the sport other than some of the parents on the sidelines are cray cray and I can't get my kids to stay on the field without holding my hand!

So, I pried a few shy children away from their mothers.  I got them all going on a few drills and Camille had to go to the restroom.  In my mind I was annoyed as I had obviously asked both of the little monsters to use the restroom before we packed into the van for practice, but instead told her: "Ok, we can do that!"

BUT, the door to the restroom was locked. I asked her to squat.  Which she was fine with, (I mean we do go camping;)), but she was NOT fine with was the 2 effing drips of urine that fell in her underwear when I pulled up her pants.  This caused meltdown number one which, OF COURSE, turned into number two because if Cami isn't practicing, bet your beans Keegan isn't either.


I managed to get Cami back on the field before the end of practice, but Keegan sat in the van the rest of practice...the two kids that I'm volunteering my time to coach for SAT IN THE FREAKING VAN

We rode home in silence after meltdown number three occured. I won't share in order to save my child some embarrassment, but I was done by this point.  I texted a couple friends that I needed xanax. I yelled at my mother.  I told my husband that MM could take his 83 hour work week and shove it up their ass.  DONE.

Enough is enough.

I started picking up my disasterous house, but stopped in my tracks when I heard: Mommy, I don't feel good.  I grabbed the puke bucket and sprinted up the stairs.  I caught it!! 22/24 in 24 hours!  Way to go mom!!  Keegan was sick every hour for 24 hours.  Mimi and Dad each caught a puke, too.  But seriously, 22/24 is pretty freaking amazing if ya ask me!! 

OMG!!!!!!  I'm so going to lose it.  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

I managed to get into work for a few hours the next day and took a trip to Bowling Green to make an information exchange with a client...with a puke bucket, Gatorade and 3 crazy kids.  When I returned home though, I read a beautiful message from a friend and went running.  I was feeling better.  Tired, but better. 

I sat back down on the couch with Keegan after I caught one of his final pukes and kissed his white-blond hair.  I looked down at the new bracelet that Amy gave to me and I could feel it: BLESSED.

Knock, knock, knock: Pharmacy delivery of all of my favorite bad for you snacks and drinks.  Every prescription that I needed was filled!  I am so very blessed by all of the wonderful, supportive people that surround me.   I had to hold back the tears.  Overwhelmingly loved and blessed.


I was able to spend some quality time with friends that I desperately needed, I have personal shoppers that cater to me, I have lots of family time scheduled for the weekend!

Maybe God finally agreed with the memo that I have been sending Him on REPEAT the past couple weeks? I have been praying and telling him for a while now: Enough is enough!

More likely though, I needed the reminder from my friends and family that I am strong enough to handle it. That they love me when I admit that I can't do it all.  And most of all: even when life is hard, I AM BLESSED.

But seriously God, enough is enough! ;)

*Heavy sarcasm.  More than normal Laura sarcasm;)


Monday, April 1, 2013


Light:  Moon on my way in to work

HELP: Surprise help from a couple friends.  No, I can't do anything. Aaron's working and I'm not paying for a sitter.  We'll come to you and we'll bang pots and pans together for fun if we need to. 

Cup: Cup of tea...the gift giver does not understand that tension tamer isn't even close to enough to calm me down, but it's the thought that counts;)

Far: We've come far by faith


Wednesday, March 27, 2013


PHOTO A DAY.  Super busy and too tired to write!  Enjoy the photos!








Thursday, March 21, 2013

Just when you get it all together...

One of my facebook friends wrote a while back: I'm 28 and still trying to get my life together. Wondering when I'll be there...

Another friend works a second job so that she can provide for her family.  The time away from her kids is the biggest sacrifice she's making so that they can have the things they need.

Over a month ago I started this post.  I started it because I was thinking about my friends trying to get it all together and one of my friends that recently had an accident that was starting this journey over again.  We had just went to a party in their nice big shop, enjoyed their company, poked fun at each other and thanked them for the fun evening.  And then I went to church and heard about the accident.  Everything was running smoothly, like all of the engines in his shop used to, and then boom, everything changed in an instant.

I started this post because I was thinking about all of the people that are striving to "get it all together".  Like there's some place they need to be by the time they're 30/40/50 years of age.  Like it's embarrassing that they need to work two jobs because none of their friends have to do it by this age, some of them don't even work at all!! (Just so you know, if you need to work two jobs to make it work, you should NOT be embarrassed, you should be PROUD! Proud that you love your family enough to work extremely hard to provide for them.  Proud that when you get home you know how precious those little people are and even when you're exhausted you take the time to be silly with them and love them and hug and kiss them...PROUD!)

And you know what I think? Just when you do "get it all together" is the exact moment that something usually happens to start the process over again.

In December we paid off our van.  I whispered under my breath, "now the car will break down", but in my head I was excited!  Yay!  Breathing room.  We can really start to put some into our savings account, pay off some loans, etc. Well, of course it was Christmas time when we paid it off, so in January that extra money just helped to pay off Christmas bills.  But, again the next month I had high hopes for saving and hopefully installing new counter tops (ours are duct taped together if you wondered;))! 

I finally called a couple places to refinance.  (I don't want to admit the interest rates we are paying currently on our house or rental.)  So, we turned in all of our paperwork and started that process.  Yay!  We'll pay them off sooner and our payment will be a little less.  I think we're finally getting it all together!!

And then I backed out of my driveway and the AWESOME PT Cruiser wouldn't switch into drive.  Lovely!  I put it into park and tried again and it jumped into gear, but immediately I called my husband to tell him the car is effed.  He ignored me for a few weeks and I continued to zoom in my AWESOME PT Cruiser, but when he finally drove the POS, he called the shop.  It's effed.

So, we made a new game plan, a new attack strategy to "get it all together".  Let's get the house and rental refinanced first and then we'll deal with the car.  He's started to look at leasing vs. buying and what kind of car gets the best mileage and stuff, but for the present time, he's driving the POS to work and I'm driving the van. 

In the same week, he called to let me know that he knocked his teeth out at open gym.  Two of the four teeth we paid $8,000 to have put into his pretty smile less than a year ago, well, umm, they might have been knocked out.  He picked them up off of the dirty gym floor and was able to shove one back in, but beware when I walk in because one is missing completely.  This time he can't have the same dental work done because the small amount of teeth they were attached to is now cracked and needs extracted.  This time he needs oral surgery at the tune of an additional $8-$10K.

Oh, and also in this same week, we've had a couple other surprises (NO, I'm NOT prego, but I did make a pretend announcement at dinner last night since Aaron invited his rents and my mom and it seemed like we had a big announcement to make...I wasn't crying so though they knew I wasn't actually prego;)) that have induced a little more anxiety, but not quite blog material.

Anyways, just when you get it all together is when everything will change.  I'm going to stop hoping to get it all together and simply try to live each day to the fullest. Keep breathing and smile.  Worry less and love more.

Because life has a funny way of sneaking up on you...and helping you out:

Monday, March 18, 2013


  GO: Farthest Ever:)  Very slow, but making progress...SLOWLY!


SURROUND:  Surrounded by housework. Clothes, dust and dirt all weekend.

NEW: New flats for spring:)

RISE: Rise to life's new challenges with calm, cool, compassion...that's what Yoga Brent tries to feed us.  Inhaling the good and trying to exhale the bad.  Really though, I'm rising to the cray cray schedule with very little sanity, coffee and makeup!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013



Shadow...I think I look like Mary Poppins:)

NO!! I don't want to walk to the courthouse in the wind and rain!!
Find:  We found a waterfall, rocks, sticks, "bear" tracks, squirrels, huts we planned to turn into houses, excitement, joy, our singing voices and much more.  This park was a find!

You are so FAITHFUL, The Old Rugged Cross
ATE: We've been eating Aaron's power foods lately...I WANT CHIPS.

SILENCE...The ONLY time I'm silent.  Had fun practicing with Aaron:)