Thursday, March 21, 2013

Just when you get it all together...

One of my facebook friends wrote a while back: I'm 28 and still trying to get my life together. Wondering when I'll be there...

Another friend works a second job so that she can provide for her family.  The time away from her kids is the biggest sacrifice she's making so that they can have the things they need.

Over a month ago I started this post.  I started it because I was thinking about my friends trying to get it all together and one of my friends that recently had an accident that was starting this journey over again.  We had just went to a party in their nice big shop, enjoyed their company, poked fun at each other and thanked them for the fun evening.  And then I went to church and heard about the accident.  Everything was running smoothly, like all of the engines in his shop used to, and then boom, everything changed in an instant.

I started this post because I was thinking about all of the people that are striving to "get it all together".  Like there's some place they need to be by the time they're 30/40/50 years of age.  Like it's embarrassing that they need to work two jobs because none of their friends have to do it by this age, some of them don't even work at all!! (Just so you know, if you need to work two jobs to make it work, you should NOT be embarrassed, you should be PROUD! Proud that you love your family enough to work extremely hard to provide for them.  Proud that when you get home you know how precious those little people are and even when you're exhausted you take the time to be silly with them and love them and hug and kiss them...PROUD!)

And you know what I think? Just when you do "get it all together" is the exact moment that something usually happens to start the process over again.

In December we paid off our van.  I whispered under my breath, "now the car will break down", but in my head I was excited!  Yay!  Breathing room.  We can really start to put some into our savings account, pay off some loans, etc. Well, of course it was Christmas time when we paid it off, so in January that extra money just helped to pay off Christmas bills.  But, again the next month I had high hopes for saving and hopefully installing new counter tops (ours are duct taped together if you wondered;))! 

I finally called a couple places to refinance.  (I don't want to admit the interest rates we are paying currently on our house or rental.)  So, we turned in all of our paperwork and started that process.  Yay!  We'll pay them off sooner and our payment will be a little less.  I think we're finally getting it all together!!

And then I backed out of my driveway and the AWESOME PT Cruiser wouldn't switch into drive.  Lovely!  I put it into park and tried again and it jumped into gear, but immediately I called my husband to tell him the car is effed.  He ignored me for a few weeks and I continued to zoom in my AWESOME PT Cruiser, but when he finally drove the POS, he called the shop.  It's effed.

So, we made a new game plan, a new attack strategy to "get it all together".  Let's get the house and rental refinanced first and then we'll deal with the car.  He's started to look at leasing vs. buying and what kind of car gets the best mileage and stuff, but for the present time, he's driving the POS to work and I'm driving the van. 

In the same week, he called to let me know that he knocked his teeth out at open gym.  Two of the four teeth we paid $8,000 to have put into his pretty smile less than a year ago, well, umm, they might have been knocked out.  He picked them up off of the dirty gym floor and was able to shove one back in, but beware when I walk in because one is missing completely.  This time he can't have the same dental work done because the small amount of teeth they were attached to is now cracked and needs extracted.  This time he needs oral surgery at the tune of an additional $8-$10K.

Oh, and also in this same week, we've had a couple other surprises (NO, I'm NOT prego, but I did make a pretend announcement at dinner last night since Aaron invited his rents and my mom and it seemed like we had a big announcement to make...I wasn't crying so though they knew I wasn't actually prego;)) that have induced a little more anxiety, but not quite blog material.

Anyways, just when you get it all together is when everything will change.  I'm going to stop hoping to get it all together and simply try to live each day to the fullest. Keep breathing and smile.  Worry less and love more.

Because life has a funny way of sneaking up on you...and helping you out:

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